
How can i increase my vertical? if i have a 5 kg Medicine Ball?

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What exercises can i do with it?




  1. Overhead med ball throws

    Lower into the granny shot position with the med ball and then throw it up and back over your head as high and far as possible. This works on explosion and uses a good range of motion in your knees, hips, and ankles.

    Overhead Squats

    Hold the med ball over your head while you squat. Explode up as fast as possible. Ideally, you would add more weight and do back squats, but overhead engages the core a lot. If you don't have access to weights, try doing one legged squats. They're really tough, so use something to hold onto and help yourself at first.

    There's info on vertical training here

  2. go to this video and do about a hundred of these a night

  3. to jump higher you have to not be fat (like not heavy) and you gotta have a lot of leg muscle

  4. personally I'd say get rid of the medicine ball and get some more compact weights and/or ankle weights.

    Wear the ankle weights while running (sprinting), jumping, stepping, jump-roping, etc.

    You can also do simple stuff like hold weights then squat, calf raises, leg lunges, etc. All of which should help develop your jumping prowess.

  5. about 200 Calf Raises a night with 2 bottles of water  & Jumping Rope for about half an hour. you can take breaks every 10 minutes with 2 bottles of water. TRUST ME IT WORKS AND THE WATER IS A PLUS!! make sure u rest do this every other day. WORK ON UR CORE in the middle days.. sit ups ab workouts. then any other days u have free do arm workouts......You have a medicine ball be creative. search it on google or youtube. "workouts with a medicine ball" IM ONLY 17 AND ITS SIMPLE IM DUNKING OVER 20 30 year olds. ASKING ME TO DO IT AGAIN!!! and AGAIN lol.

    I would shy away from ankle weights becasue the weaken your achilles muscle. and pull on ur ankles. not good for overall development of your vertical jump.

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