
How can i increase my vertical leap.?

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right now, im about 5,9 and am about 2 inches from grabbing the rim, what workouts could i do in order to increase my vertical leap a good bit so i can jump higher and maybe even in the future dunk. Please leave specific answers :)




  1. A lot of your jumping ability comes from your core. work on your abs. it is also your flexibility it will help a little bit.

  2. here is a good program that i found that you can use

    other exercises that you could do are squats, wall sits, leg press, calf press, calf raises, jump rope, anything that involves jumping. try leg lifts too, they work on your hamstrings and abs.

  3. Build up those calf muscles! i want to be able to dunk so bad, so me and my friend are going into intense training to build up our calfs so next season we can dunk!!

  4. If you want to increase your jumping ability, first you need to figure out what type of power or strength you are lacking, base strength, transitional power, or explosiveness, they are all different and must be trained in different ways. You'll also want to figure out which individual muscles/muscle groups are working inefficiently You can figure this out by completing a full vertical jump test progression and a baseline fitness test to diagnose any muscle imbalances that you may have. Do a routine that combines plyomertic/body weight, free weight and or acceleration routines. In order to gain inches you'll need to tax your central nervous system and force your body to create new motor pathways. If you do this correctly you should gain at least an inch a week.

    Want to jump 18 inches higher? Stop by my website at:

    Check out my dunk and workout videos at:

  5. I personally just began jumping constantly. But one way that you can jump higher is to put flour bags tied to your ankles twice a day and jump for  ten minutes a day. i am only 6'0" but i can jump four feet off the ground. this work for me and i think it will work for you.

  6. Jump rope and walk around with ankle weights... good luck

  7. do squats calf raises also repeatedly jumping as high as u can. u could also buy stregnth shoes

  8. Join a volleyball team because they should teach you how to jump properly.

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