
How can i increase the height of my jump by volleyball season (fall)?

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How can i increase the height of my jump by volleyball season (fall)?




  1. There are lots of effective ways to increase your vertical. You can get a general idea of what you need to train by thinking of the formula:

    Power = Force x Velocity

    Power is the amount of explosive strength your legs can exert when you jump.

    Force is the amount of strength in your legs, or the amount of weight your legs can lift.

    Velocity is how fast you can exert your strength in your jump.

    (Of course if you want your jump height you've got to factor in your weight as well)

    If you want a substantial improvement in your jump, you want to practice being able to lift more weight with your legs while being able to maintain or improve your speed.

    For leg strength, I'd recommend squats or leg presses if you have access to weights. If not, keep reading.

    If you wanna gain a little speed, you want to do skipping for conditioning, calf bounces, fast 1-legged jumps in one spot, and fast 1-legged jumps back and forth over a marked line.

    For strength, if you don't have weights, you can use your bodyweight though you probably won't make the same amount of progress as with weights. You can do jump squats, squats, 1-legged jumps as high as you can do in one spot, depth jumps, and lunges.

    You can also gain a good few inches by plainly practicing good form and quickness for your spiking and blocking approaches.

    Explanation of exercises:

    Calf Bounces- Stand on your toes and continuously bounce on and off your heels as fast as possible.

    Jump Squats- Hands in front of you at shoulder height then bend down. Once you feel you're down enough, bounce into the air as high as you can. Land on your feet with your hands still in front of you and repeat.

    Depth Jumps- Find a chair or something that's a good height of the ground and stand on it. Step off the chair and immediately jump up as high as you can. Repeat.

    Lunges- Take one large step with one leg and make your knee on your other leg nearly touch the floor behind your front leg. Repeat with the other leg.

    Skipping- Pretty straight forward but I want to mention some different things you can do with skipping. To warm up you can take 1 step in place for every time you spin your rope around. Takes practice but it's a good warmup once you get it down. Once you've gained some height and some coordination with your skipping, try jumping high and spinning the rope around twice for one jump. Again, this takes practice to build up your coordination. This is very good cardio and good for leg muscle building. If you want a challenge, you can try three spins for every jump.

    That's it and good luck on trying to add some height to your leap.

  2. My Coach has us do Jump-Plyo Training every other day in the summer. This really helped me improve my vertical.

    1. warm-up and run - 5 min.

    2. Calf Stretches- flamingo's, etc.

    3. 4 sprints- length of a basketball court

    4. Stretch everything

    5. Ankle hops 20 sec.

    6. 8 block jumps - block, 2 steps right, and block

    7. 15 pushups

    8. 30 situps/crunches

    9. Ankle hops 20 sec.

    10. 8 block jumps - block, 2 steps left, and block

    11. BREAK! 2 mins.

    12. 30 situps/crunches

    13. 15 pushups

    14. 4 sprints

    15. 50 controlled jumps - hit same elevated target (door frame, etc.)

    16. Ankle hops 30 sec.

    17. cool down stretches.

    All of this takes about a half hour, as it gets easier to do increase the reps./time.

    If you need me to clarify any of these e-mail me.

  3. leg press!

  4. to increase your jump and air time (same thang)...

    go in front of a mirror and jump

    also the best thing to do is do frog jumpppsss

    bend down realll lowww

    and reach high when you come up..

    it workss

  5. calf raises, squats, lunges, wall sits. they have all worked for me!

  6. First you need to figure out what type of power or strength you are lacking, base strength, transitional power, or explosiveness, they are all different and must be trained in different ways. You'll also want to figure out which individual muscles/muscle groups are working inefficiently You can figure this out by completing a full vertical jump test progression and a baseline fitness test to diagnose any muscle imbalances that you may have. Do a routine that combines plyomertic/body weight, free weight and or acceleration routines. In order to gain inches you'll need to tax your central nervous system and force your body to create new motor pathways. If you do this correctly you should gain at least an inch a week. If you need more training advice stop by my website at:

    Check out my dunk and workout videos at:

  7. jump on boxes, u know? steardy bases tht have heighth. wall jumps and stretch, flexibility helps

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