
How can i increase traffic to my blog?

by Guest66791  |  earlier

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I just started a new blog and i was wondering what i can do to increase traffic to it. i just started it so there aren't very many posts yet but there will be. any help will be greatly appreciated.

my blog is:




  1. I just went through this same scenario myself. I would first post up some articles/content. The main thing you need to do it put up good but interesting content on your site.

    1 - Write at least 10 articles but preferably more.

    2 - Go to social bookmarking sites like and and submit your site.

    3 - Write an well-written article about your site OR write about a an interesting topic that you know will get attention (maybe something controversial?). Submit it to

    4 - If you have some money (20-$50) you can advertise your site on good traffic sites.

    5 - I see your site is about the Bruins. Where are all the places you can you find large crowds of Bruin fans? Print out some flyers and put them on car windshields or maybe hand them out to people.

    I just created a site several months back. I went from getting 2-5 visitors a day to averaging in the 100s. But this is nothing really. I know if I am persistent I will eventually get into the 10s of thousands of people visiting my site daily.  

  2. go to google and sign up for there adsense.

  3. Go to

    Basically, for every site that they require you to view for 20 seconds, someone will view yours for 20 seconds!

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  4. Hi, There are several methods that you can use to increase traffic to your blog. Posting the URL on your question is a good start

    There is a comprehensive article at ezine articles that covers the popular free methods

    Hope it helps

  5. You can submit your blog to search engines, website directories, and article directories. Have your website in your forum signature, or you can get traffic from real people from this website right here

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