
How can i install arabic on vista?

by  |  earlier

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i don't know how to speak arabic that much but i want to learn so that i can relate better with my husband's family. I looked thru the help section on windows but it sent me in circles. i clicked to go on the microsoft website and they are like talking about how good they are and that they are going to give out more options then it says oops we don't that one.




  1. you should download the arabic languae pack using windows updates ultimate extras.

  2. jcty

  3. save the file on desktop when you see it right click it and go to run as or run compatibility to windows xp service pack 2 or whatever its designed for also run as administrator and see if there is a update online

    good luck!!!! :)

  4. okay

    go to control panel  Regional and languge carrent format chnage it to arabic

    then you will got keyboard and languge then  chnage keybaords then add choice any arabic then adminnstrative chnage system location

    choice any arabic after that will ask ur computer to reboot

    now the problem maybe your computer keybaord don`t have arabic letter

    so you can find it by using on screen keyboard

    here  ACCESSORIES   Ease of access then On screen keyboard

    and here is on you tube video how to change your computer to accept arabic


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