
How can i introduce a 1 year old female staff to my 7 year old male staff (who has a an attitude problem )?

by Guest21517  |  earlier

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We have a staffy who is the most loving dog in the world, with people! I am just about to rescue a 1 year old female staffy, but im scared incase the first meeting doesnt go well as my older dog can be a bit aggressive towards other dogs. Any suggestions welcome, thanks




  1. make them meet on mutual grounds,like park, that way your male wont be so territorial. if your adopting from a shelter then ask them if you can bring your dog to meet the other. if they get along then great let them play a few times on different days before adopting the shelter should have no problem with this and will most likely encourage you to do so. is your male fixed? if not i would get him neutered, that usually will calm their temperament a little not so much hormones.

  2. I think it's always a mistake getting a 2nd dog if the dog you already have is dog aggressive.  Not at all fair to the new dog to have to deal with that.   A much better solution is to obedience train and socialize your present dog first.

    But since it's too late for that, try putting them in adjacent rooms with a gate in between them so they can see each other and get each other's scent - scent is really important to dogs.  Don't hurry this process.  When, and only when, your male is calm and seems acception of her, you can let them in a room together supervised.

    I'd be really cautious about letting them outside together until you're very sure he's ok with her and don't try introducing them on leashes because that's going to bring out leash aggression.  (That's why I'd never suggest introducing them on neutral territory.)

    Hopefully he'll be ok with her because she's a female.  Make sure he's treated like top dog - fed first, greeted first, petted first, etc.

  3. Who's best interests is this in: Yours, your current dog, or the new dog?

    Its not an ideal situation for bringing in a new dog. American Staffordshire Terriers are often dog aggressive, its not an attitude problem, its nature. Its best to introduce them on neutral ground. The park is a good place to start. You and a family member (that your male trusts and likes) need to take each dog on a separate lead and walk towards each other and a gradual and "non intentive" pace, as if it was BY CHANCE that you're walking past each other.

    If the male walks past without being aggressive, give him a treat. Do it over and over and over and over again, slowly getting close and closer until you feel confident that he can be approached by the dog. If at any time he shows aggression, back the training up and try again.

    Don't punish him for being aggressive. Just tell him no.

    Make sure NOT to be stressed or worried, it will stress or worry the dogs out as well and will make for a VERY difficult introduction, they can feel what you feel.

    When they are confident around each other, and you are comfortable having them together, you can take them home. Do NOT leave them unsupervised together for ANY length of time.

    Generally, a male won't be aggressive towards a female, but its possible.

  4. put the new dog in a crate with food, toys etc and let the male out thye should get used ot each other that way do tht for a few days and then put them on leads and muzzle them and intorduce them make sure you have a water bottle in case of any aggresssion =] if in doubt ask the vets  

  5. If he is aggressive towards other dogs, I wouldn't recommend it. It's probably best to keep only one dog in this instance. What if they end up not getting along and you get attached to the other? It will be a very difficult situation to handle. Good luck.

  6. I too had this concern when I adopted a 4 month old pit bull.  I already had a 3 year old Yorkie(who thinks he's a pit and did not properly socialize him as a puppy.  It did take some time.  For the first few weeks he hated her.  I very slowly introduced her to him and made sure to give my Yorkie the same amount of attention as before.  FINALLY they became best buds and now are inseparable!  I would also talk w/ the rescue and ask for advice from them!

    Good Luck w/ your new family member!  Great choice to adopt!

  7. If the new dog is from a rescue center as it sounds, they wont let you take the dog untill they are satisfied your old dog will accept it, if your dog is aggressive, they wont let you take it.

      Really it's not fair on anyone, not to mention a little irresponsible to bring a new dog into the house if the dog already there has such a significant problem. You obviously love your dog so why not help him and get his problems sorted before you get another? You need to see a professional dog trainer or behavioralist, who can work with your dog, there are so many reasons for dog aggression you need a professional.

  8. I WOULD ONLY DO IT AT THE PARK IF IT Wasn'tT CROWDED ... TO MANY INTERRUPTIONS..... but have them meet some where else than your house .. maybe a family or friend .....  

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