
How can i invest in share market before 18 yrs of age?

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How can i invest in share market before 18 yrs of age?




  1. You cannot do that legally.  You have to be atleast 18 years of age.

  2. First of all you need PAN card to open an demant account.. once you get the pan card i dont think there is any problem..

  3. Legally you are not allowed. And again, you may not have your own income at this stage, so why not wait till you start earning yourself and attain the legal age!

    Having said that, if you are keen to start learning, why not use the time till then to get a solid grounding in investing basics. Consider these set of excellent articles at

    Great investing basics websites

  4. u thoughts soo good but this age is not correct to entar in to stock market.1st u aware of this filed then u come and start to invest ...

  5. Hi,

         Hi your question is very innocent.Investing in share market is not a easiest way to earn money once if you have entered into it surely you will addict .so my suggestion is try to concentrate on studies and get good marks then entire into some organization earn money at last invest on share market.

  6. We are a franchise of a Share Brokerage house in Mumbai.

    In our case the DMAT accounts are opened directly with Brokerage house and not from us. Our brokerage house provides minimum account opening charge, low brokerage rate etc... and no annual fees for account maintenance.And we also provide u a latest Trading Software free for online trading. And we also provide sure intraday & delivery tips to our clients .

    If you are interested please send a mail to

    or call - 09819705121 (Mukesh Chaturvedi)


  7. Though mutual funds.

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