
How can i join a local band?

by  |  earlier

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i'm 15 years old, i want to be a bass or guitar player in a band, i'm good, i just can't find any way to take the first step in my dream..... help????




  1. Do a Myspace search for bands or musicians in your area and put an ad and search "musicians" on Craigslist,org. Myspace was actually started as a musicians networking site then just blew up from there :). Good look fellow musician, I play bass.  

  2. the best way to get noticed is to get yourself out there.

    start small, by joining a community band, like in your school.

    if you have a couple friends who play instruments, get them together

    and see if you can play at a local park or auditorium.

    By just doing what you do best, some one is bound to see you if you

    work hard enough. Put up posters, get a good singer, do things other young musicians aren't.

    best of luck

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