
How can i keep allergy away in natural way like running nose,sneezing and itchy iyes?

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How can i keep allergy away in natural way like running nose,sneezing and itchy iyes?




  1. there is no natural way to keep the allergies away. but yes there is way out. allergies happen when your immune system is weak. so you should try eating green vegitables that are full of iron like spinach. and more take dabur chyavanprash. that helps.



    Use these herbs (I and II) and III. Perform Nasal Irrigation--Neti

    I got rid of nasal allergy/cold by building my immune system and reducing the eosinophilia count in blood.

    I follow this regimen EVERYDAY and I am free from allergy. This keeps me younger and healthier too.

    I. Take 100 gm each from grocery/herbal store

    1. Gooseberry powder

    2. Turmeric powder

    3. Cumin powder

    4. Dry ginger powder

    Mix well and store in a dry container. Use 1 teaspoon after breakfast and dinner.

    ELSE use Pankaj Kasturi--Breathe Easy

    II. Add 1 teaspoon of Fenugreek to half a cup of boiling water. Turn off and soak overnight. Chew and Drink after breakfast.

    Also take well balanced diet.

    III. Perform Nasal Irrigation

    To learn, visit these pages or do Yahoo! search

    These three should help you do fine...

  3. Timely food habits, rest, living/working in natural environment, intake of salads, hand-pound rice, germinated food grains, like bengal gram,green gram, etc., fruits, and acupressure techniques on daily basis, living in non-pollution zones, etc.

    yoga/meditation shall enable u to get rid of allergy.

  4. If you are not allergic to bee stings, you can use bee pollen. Also, nettle tea will help. Butterbur is supposed to be the best, it comes in tables, but if you're allergic to ragweed, don't use it. Same family.

    You can find these in a health food store.  Neti pots are also supposed to be fantastic. It's a little ceramic pot you use to pour salt water into your nose

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