
How can i keep geese out of my yard!! i need to find a way without spending money. HELP?

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i cant get a dog and my yars is too big to fence. what im looking for are home remedies and such. live in mass. my yard is surrounded on 3 sides by open fields.




  1. My Husband lived on a pond. Their family had a real problem with Geese.  You have to get a BB gun. This is the only solution.  If You shoot one, They won't come around for a month.  Shoot another, Your free for another month.  They tried everything. tobacco dust, electric fence.  Solution- if You want to deter them...BB gun!

  2. There are motion-detecting sprinklers that might startle them, and that aren't expensive.  If you put it to defend a garden area, and moved it occasionally they might give up.

    They also do not like areas where they can't fly out of.

  3. I have actually worked for an older gentelman who had a pond  and was over run with geese , he tried all sorts of things to urge them to move on their way  and i remember returning months later and he was geese free , he mention he had started to use a red laser , the one with the beam at dusk and the didn't like that  , they can be found cheap if you look , it wasn't the laser pointer kind . than during the daylight hours he bought a starters pistol for like 50 dollars and they sell things to fire out of them called screamers and bangers . he shot that thing off for me while i was there and it was loud and scary especially if you were a goose ! maybe some of these ideas will work .look on ebay for items cheaply  ?

  4. Paintball gun. If that does not work at least it will make you feel better.

  5. Get some old sheets. Tear them up and make yourself a large pair of wings. Whenever you see the geese in your yard run after them like you are a giant monster goose. It’s free, you will get a bit of exercise and the geese will eventually either not want to come back - or, they will try to mate with you – in that case, you’ll have to try something else.

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