
How can i keep my 11 year old sister out of my room!?

by  |  earlier

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i hav a lock 4 my door but its a push lock and she can pick it...she likes to come in and take music off of my itunes account without asking!! and she nos it bugs the h**l out of me then she goes and tells my parents i wont let her do it shes obviously the favorite...HELP ME!! PLLLEEAASSSEEE!!!!




  1. Your little sister must learn to respect other peoples property and to honor a locked door.

    She needs a good spanking for stealing what belongs to you and for picking a lock that yo locked.

    She will grow up doing grand thief if she is not made to stop picking locks and stealing.

    Your parents are doing her a grave injustice by not punishing her.  That room is your room.  The only place in the house that is your on privite space and your sister has no business picking the lock and just going in there.

    Retailiating is not good either.  Your sister has to be taught it's not OK just to do what she wants therefore you can't go into her room and take something.

    It is your parents job to take care of this matter.  If they refuse to do anythng about it, stick something in the hold of the door know, and if she comes in there again, then you spank her and do it everytime she comes in.  Then maybe she will stop.  


  2. Put a password on your computer.

  3. well then go into her room

  4. get a combination lock- go into her room and do the same to her things- maybe she wants you to pay attention to her- so maybe you should involve her in things that you do- load her her own music and maybe she will stop - if not talk to your parents and tell them it is not fair that she is snooping in your things- you don't like it and want it to stop- hopefully they will listen! good luck

  5. Why are your parents allowing her to do that? Bribe her. Use candy, and money weekly pay outs. she agrees to leave your stuff alone in exchange for $6.00 weekly that way she can buy her own stuff.

  6. password your computer, stick a chair in front of the door and talk to your parents  

  7. 1. Talk to your parents. Tell them its okay for her to take stuff IF she asks your permission first. And that you are tired of looking for things because she constantly misplaces them. Tell them that its not that you mind sharing, you just want her to respect your privacy/ property more.

    2. Talk to your sister too... but like an adult, without the yelling and fighting.

    If nothing works, you can always do the same thing back to her.... take her stuff, misplace it, and do it constantly...  

  8. Can you punch her in the face?

    Put a lock on your computer, so she can't access it

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