
How can i keep my back foot on my skateboard?

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When i try to ollie my back foot wont stay on the board it just goes off. I can land a ollie on the grass. i think its because im scared im going to fall. Please help me




  1. how does your back foot come off? you pop the ollie with back foot so you ghave to keep it on...just practice

  2. practice

  3. there are 3 possible reasons this is happening

    ur scared, so u plant ur foot on the ground or ur to scared to remember what to do.

    the second is that u need to move ur back foot to give the board room to come up, ur supposed to bring ur foot up but instead ur moving it to the side

    and thirdly and the most likley reason, ur not leaning forward before u ollie, in fact ur probably leaning backwards. u need to lean forward before and durring the ollie but also need to have most of ur weight on ur back foot.

    now just keep these things in mind and practice and remeber ollie is hard to learn so just keep practicing, you may want to try to do a smaller ollie so ur not scard just to start off with.

  4. ok, i had that problem also. what i did was i got a chair and i held onto the chair and practiced on cement until i got use to the feeling.

    once you get use to it stand at the chair but dont hold it and try, if you fall dont worry about it and just keep trying.


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