
How can i keep my friends from believing the global warming lies?

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their not very bright anyway.




  1. it's not a lie! what causes they tell us is a lie

  2. Global warming is not up for debate.  It is happening.  The only thing that is debated is what is causing it.

  3. Well, you can... um... I'm sorry to break it to you, but you can't do anything about that. Except, of course, get new friends. I feel for ya, though.

  4. Ask them why some of the same scientist said in the 1970's that we were heading for an ice age by the year 2000. They can't predict tomorrow's weather for Pete's sake, how are they going to tell you that we're killing the planet in x number of years. Tell me if it's going to rain next Tuesday and MAYBE I'll believe you.  

    Ask them what caused the ice age to change. Why is Greenland covered with ice? Why is the ice in the southern hemisphere getting thicker?

      Ask them if they know that they are part of nature. We are mammals, just like anything else. We are more evolved but we are part of nature. They think there are two worlds, the natural world and man who destroys it. NOT! We ARE part of the natural world. We're highly evolved mammals.

      The earth changes, it's been doing it longer back in time than man can comprehend. We can only go back a certain point in time and then we don't have a clue. Scientist can only speculate at how old the earth is. Everything they speculate on is based on models that they know are flawed, they know they are guessing. That's what a hypothesis is, an educated guess!

  5. You can' is like a religion to them and they close their ears.

    I ask them exactly where did all the ice sheets go that covered the US and Europe 15,000-20,000 years ago and did the Woolly Mammoths drive SUVs to cause the global warming back then...Does not phase them.

  6. your friends are dumb..have them look at the ice burgs!!!and all the animals dieing because of US!!!!!!there not lies.....we have proof theres proof all over!!!!!!!!

  7. I would suggest that you tell them to watch Glenn Beck. He is always talking about how people are being sucked into the Global warming phenomenon. You could also print out some information on the fiction that surrounds global warming and how the earth's climate natural changes over the years. Good luck!!

  8. You can't.  It's like a cult.  If they aren't bright, it would just be better to find new friends.

  9. I think your friends say a lot about you as a person. They aren't aren't bright. Thats why you don't believe in global warming...the world is warming that has been proven.

  10. who says they are lies?

  11. Make sure they don't browse any reputable science websites or watch documentaries on the science channel and learning channel.

  12. Why would you want to mislead your friends like that?

    Without global warming, the planet is estimated to be about 30-40 degrees cooler. Life as we know it would not exist, without it. The problem is things have become imbalanced.

  13. Burn their books.  Burn their magazines.  Take their car keys in case they try to go to class.  Make sure they have no way to get information.  Because the more they read, the more they investicate the basis ot the theory themselves, the more they will think you are a close-minded, unthinking idiot.  You must stop them!!

  14. Not very bright huh?

    Well maybe a short vid will do it

    or read this....

    "We report, You decide"!

  15. It sounds to me like your friends need to drop you and find some more intelligent people to hang out with . Idiot

  16. Unfortunately, the coverage that global warming has gotten in the media will most likely prevent your friends from being critical of it, like so many others. You may not be able to do anything about it. You should still be friends with them- don't let issues like this get in between your friendship.

    If you want, when they start spouting nonsense about AGW, you can make a short rebuttal- to annoy them and challenge their views.

    I understand your position- it is indeed truly disheartening.

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