
How can i keep my head high and not get bumbed if i do bad the first day of tennis tryouts?

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i have tryouts monday through friday and monday i lost against a girl i know i can beat, i was just having an off day. I still have the rest of the week but i'm scared this is going to affect me too much.




  1. Anyone can beat anyone on any given day. I have lost to those I thought I could beat, and I have won against those that should have kicked my butt.

    Some people don't look great but know how to win, maybe this girl was smart. Perhaps you didn't take her seriously and that's why you lost.

    I've coached and taught tennis for years and it's the ones that can come back from a loss and play clean and smart that will be the winner in the end. Good luck.

  2. well..if ur good enough the coaches or whatever will see it..

  3. dont worry everyone has bad days and the coach isnt going to judge you by what you did on the first day

  4. If you don't want to be bummed about losing then meditate on feeling good. Spend all day telling yourself how great you feel. Don't attach it to tennis alone. Drill into yourself that you feel wonderful no matter what happens. Tennis is just a game. Be relentlessly positive about every aspect of your life. If you win great. If you don't so be it, but no matter what stay on the positive side. There is much more to who you are than sports.

  5. Just because you lost against one girl doesn't mean you won't make the tennis team.  There is more to tryouts than just winning and losing matches.  

    If your coaches were watching closely, which they should have been, certainly they must have seen your strong points, be it your serve, your stroke, your volleys.  

    Just play your heart out the rest of the week, destroy your next opponent.  Don't worry that its tryouts.  Just kick the next girls butt.


  6. Don't let this affect you. I Played an 18 year old that I knew I could beat a couple of days ago and lost because I lost my focus. Keep your head in the game and stay focused. In tennis there is a lot of room for error and remember that. The only time there is no room for error is when the game is tied in the last set. That is the time where you need to be focused the most. You may also be thinking to hard about what your doing, sure you have to think about it but don't overthink things. Everyone loses matches all the time to people they are not inferior to. Don't let one loss get inside your head and control your game. Losen up and have fun.  

  7. Just think about how much you love to play and show everyone what you can Really do. Seems easier said than done but this is how I prepare and handle certain moments where I don't feel it, pressured, unmotivated etc.  It depends what feeling you need during a match. For me, I need to feel inspired and excited.  So I think of one particular moment I got this feeling, for example a good shot I made, or maybe a particular song I like that evokes these feelings.  I visualize in my mind that I just hit that shot again and remember the feeling, or I hear the music that always pumps me up, in my head, until I get the feeling. Once I get that feeling, I'm ready, inspired and excited and everything seems to fall into place where I can think clearly and just enjoy and let all the hard work pay off.

    Remember everyone has off days.  It happens but don't let it get to you. Just keep doing what you're doing and never give up on what you want.  Keep trying to improve and hopefully you'll be in the pros?

  8. no it is something to learn from. you just have to fix what you didn't do last time. u can do it!!!!!

  9. Well if tryouts are a week, I doubt one day will really make a difference.  It was like me during field hockey tryouts, there were only two days but the days we did timed runs I did awful.  I decided to just focus more on stick skills and playing by telling myself I would do good, and made the team both years I tried out.  

    It was also the same during band tryouts, I combined 3 scales into one multiple times and had no idea what to do.  I still made the band however because I tried extra hard on the other parts of the audition.  All you have to do is tell yourself you can do better and then try it and be determined, and it'll all work out for you in the end.

    Good luck with tennis tryouts!

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