
How can i keep my room cool?

by  |  earlier

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I have a ceiling fan that is ALWAYS on full speed and i have dark heavy curtains. we also run the A/C Most of the day and throughout the night. I sleep with a sheet because im scared of sleeping without something over me. its a self security thing i have lol

Anyways last nite i woke up and i was dripping with sweat. All that could put me back to sleep was getting a cold rag and running it over my body even then it was hot as h**l.


most logical

= 10 pts.




  1. Tinting your windows will help. At night close off other registers in the other rooms so most of the air will go to your bedroom. In the morning open the registers where you would need the most air during the day and close the rest. I never leave my bathroom or laundry registers open unless I'm in there. That alone keeps the rest of my house much cooler.

  2. if you are waking up soaken wet,it could be anxiety or maybe even some type of depression....its more mental the physical,you should tell a M..D, about it if this is the problem,

  3. Don't feel bad about the sheet. Years & years & years ago I did the same thing. And I would wake up dripping wet. (It was Fla. & we didn't have A/C) In part it was the heat that brought my head out from under the sheet.  

    I think you should check the switch on the fan 1st. Make sure the air is being blown down into the room for hot weather, not up into the ceiling for cold weather.

    Check back in - OK

  4. Ha, I have the same problem with the blanket thing, first you can get two small fans, put one in the window against the air from outside, and put the other one on another window to keep the hot air out. It saves hundreds in your A.C. bill.

  5. If the room is hot and u need more cooling...all I can say is put a small window A/C in ur room to help cool when the tempt.  rised to the extreme.  This is not the all the time...but the weather is crazy lately and with the extra help of the A/C unit.  U can set it to 74 degrees and it will maintain that cooled tempt.

  6. i have this exact same problem!

    All I can think of is to check to see if your fan is spinning in the right direction. There's a switch on top that changes the direction.

  7. You have the A/C running and you still sweat? Sounds like too much humidity. Get a dehumidifier and put it in the room. You will be much more comfortable.

  8. There are No air conditioning or swamp coolers in our house.  In Colorado where the humidity is low

    We open all our windows once the sun goes down, letting the cool night breeze blow through to cool it off.

    Around 9 am I close-up the house and get the ceiling fans running in each room.   Windows where the sun shines in, I close the drapes or blinds to block the sun.  I can usually keep the indoor temperature below 80.

    If all else fails, we spend our time in the basement where it's cooler.

    On an exceptionally nice sunny day it's always a welcome relief when the thunder storms and breezes come down off the mountains, with a break from the blazing sun.  If the passing clouds drop some rain it's really appreciated, dropping the temperature by a few degrees.

    I remember living in the Southwest, where it didn't cool off, night or day.  Air conditioning was the only option.

  9. Check your dust on the blades....and your air ducts, too. If they get too clogged, you won't get chilled.

    Replace the  pad thing that goes inside your hvac, too, They should be changed every couple of months.

    Have you had your a/c checked early this summer for maintenance?  

    Have you checked the vents for proper air flow?

    Are you sure you are not ill> like a fever?

  10. if it is humid outside dont open the windows becauses that brings in hot air

    close the door when you put your fan on so the air stays in your room (same with the ac)

    turn you ac up

    take a nice long shower in cold water before you sleep

    keep a glass of water at your bedside because if your well hydrated you will stay cool

    get one of those cheap plastic spray bottles( 99cents store) and if you wake up hot just squirt some water on your face and body

    wear shorts and a tanktop to sleep

    this may sound wierd but sometimes when i clean my room it seems cooler

    oh and make sure there are no cracks in your room that are letting the ac out

    good luck!

  11. Here are some energy saving tip that would keep you cool and save a lot in your pockets...

  12. Put a window unit in your room. If your bedroom isn't at opposite end of central air unit, you will get the least air. I have central air, but also have window unit in my bedroom for night time, cause i was in the same boat as Thanks

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