
How can i keep the neighbors cats off my truck?

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My neighbor is one of those crazy "cat ladies" she puts out food for all the cats in the neighbor hood right by my truck. it's really pissin me off but nothing i can do about it. I can't shoot em so thats out of the question. im wondering if i there might be a way to hook my battery up to the frame and shock the h**l out em.




  1. get a pit bull!!! haha um maybe whenever they are out there you can just go out there and "water the grass" even if there is no are cleaning the pavement.... cats HATE water.

  2. Why don't you get a cover for your truck and grow up.  Any harm you do to those cats is animal abuse, and believe that crazy cat lady will call animal control if you harm those cats.  Have you attempted to ask her to feed the cats in a different place that is away from your truck.  That would be easier then electrocuting the cats.

  3. You can ask your cat lady neighbor to put their food somewhere else.

    Put a cover on your truck.

    Park your truck in a garage or somewhere else.

    I would be afraid to do the shock thing. What if a neighbor child touched it and got shocked. You could get sued.

  4. call animal control and in the mean time any damage done to your car, give the bill to your neighbor

  5. Put sheets of tin foil on top of your truck. it will freak them out when they jump on it because they hate the crinkly noise.

  6. Talk to your neighbors and tell them to stop. otherwise try getting a dog (not a dog that will hurt the cats) I don't know why your so mad just with cats climbing around its not like there doing any thing that bad.

  7. Cats are great. You just haven't taken any time to get to know them. That's not very considerate of your neighbor to feed the cats by your truck. Have you tried asking her if she would be so kind as to move locations? Surely there is another place that would be ok. That's the easiest and fastest solution. The cats will be able to find the food and water. Another idea is move the food and water dishes yourself to another location. It gets the message across without confrontation. I would move it where she can see it if that's possible.  

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