
How can i keep the pacifier addiction away from my 3-yrs old daughter?

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I've been try few solutions: 1) try to get her pacifier lost somewhere & complaint that my daughter din't keep it properly. 2) try to apply some spicy-some medic oil on her pacifier. 2 of this have been tried,but seems no effect on her addiction.She can't even sleep well in the night without her pacifier. Any other solutions on this matter?




  1. We just broke the habit from my son. We just took them away cold turkey. It took him a few days but he got over it.  

  2. Stop giving her the pacifier cold turkey. It will be a challenge, for you AND her...but well worth it!

  3. We told my daughter that she was a big girl and she had to give her paci to the garbage man. So we threw it away and dealt with the crying for a couple of nights.  

  4. hmm im not an expert or anything but maybe put some really smelly gross or nasty stuff on it like hot sauce maybe?  


    try reading her that story.

    my daughter was 3 and very much addicted until i read her the story and i added a little to it after she put her pacifiers next to the window i replaced them with a small toy.  she loved it and never asked for them again.

  6. Know anyone having a new baby?  Tell her that you need to give it to the new baby, then throw it out when she is not looking  :)

  7. I have seen people on tv who have their kids collect all their pacifiers and tie them to a bunch of ballon's and tell her that she sending them to gods angle babies who need them. Others will "mail" them to some fairy and have her decorate the big envelope and have her put it in the mail box, take it out later and then the next morning put asurprisee in the mail box for her. I hope this helped. Although, my toddlerwouldn'tt give it up so I cut the nipples off themevery timee she has one, and after a few days she was perfectly fine. Good luck.

  8. I hate to say it but the time to take the pacifier away was at 12 months.(Even though they still look so cute with it) Tell her that the pacifier fairy needs her pacifiers for the other babies. That she will be coming to get them at a time you think she'll be comfortable with. Let her know that in exchange for the pacifier the fairy will leave her a gift. Pick something out that you think she will like. Good Luck.

  9. Take her to the trash can and tell her that she is a big girl and tell her to throw it in the trash. It is better if you let them throw it out so that way when she asks for it you can let her know that because she is a big girl she does not need it. and if she will not put it in the trash buy her a toy and tell her that the toy is for big girls and if she puts the pacifier in the trash reward her with the toy. make sure it is a toy that she will like. and do not give in at night and give it to her eventually she will fall asleep do it enough nights and she will forget about it        

  10. My daughter Joanne just turned 3, and we decided that was it, 3 years old, NO MORE PACIFIER (or as we call it, sucky) so that was it, we just stopped giving it to her, all together. not at nights, not when she cries, not at all. Yes she cried like crazy at nigh, and did not sleep. but we just left her, and eventually she would cry herself to sleep. It took about 2 1/2 weeks (yes, a long time) but eventually she got over it. I know you can get them off it slowly, but i believe its best just to rip off the band aid in one swift motion. don't prolong the process. just get it over with. it may hurt at first, but its better in the long run.  

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