
How can i keep the saddle on my gelding from slipping back? Breast plates just digs into his chest.?

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When i ride him with a saddle, He's a regestered paint,his high whithers make the saddle slide down along with the saddle blanket. I ride western and bareback on him and he is a level three dressage horse with his previose owner. He is 20 and experienced and is a good weight(not skinny, not fat). I do not compete him right now, but would like to do maybe dressage with him (want to start). I have trained a filly, another paint, and I don't have the problem with her. I think it has something to do with his whithers and I wondered if there is an affordable solusion. Thnx Emi




  1. my friend has the thing that she uses and she buys it in rolls and cuts it it is a waffle like looking and is thin and it kinda feels rubbery but very flexible and i don't know the exact name of it but i will try and get some more info on it

  2. Emi, what types of breast plates are you using, first.  

    Have you heard of cut back saddle pads?

    Toklat have a LOT assorted cutback pads to choose from.  

    You might want to check the gullet size of your saddle, that maybe an issue with the saddle riding back.  Too small and it will not only slide back but also sit DOWN upon your horse's withers.

  3. it is clear the saddle dose not fit and your not going to make it fit your horse needs a diferent saddle

  4. If it's to do with his wither, the saddle may not fit properly. Get your saddler to come have a look at it on your horse and they can see if the saddle needs adjusting or, if your horse is a funny shape, you may need a new saddle, which he/she will advise you on. However, where I work often the saddles will do with just some extra stuffing in certain areas, a lot cheaper than a new saddle.

    Also, if the saddle is fine, it could just be the girth. Often, once the saddle and girth are on, and the horse walks around a bit, the saddle and girth move a bit and sit better, after which it probably needs to be tightened. Another thing, some horses blow out when the girth goes on, so when the breath out again it's really loose. You may not notice but it happens. So I suggest you tack up, then walk him around by his reins or whatever, then tighten the girth again, you'll be surprised at how loose it gets! And don't be afraid of doing it up too tight!

    Good luck :), hope these help.

  5. When you ride him English, maybe a bump pad would work. These are wedges of foam material that you slide under the saddle in the back and fit into the gullet. They stay put when you ride and do not irritate the horse or affect his movement. I am not sure if they make these for western saddles to, but for English it's bound a shot.

  6. Have you tried an Arabian saddle on him?  It is built to fit the barrel shape of an Arab.  My guy has a huge wither, and the saddle fits behind it...I use non-slip neoprene girth, and a non-slip pad.  I also use the Cashel elastic off billet which allows me to tighten the girth a bit more and still give him some breathing freedom.  Good's a frustrating problem, I know. I can't use a breast collar either...oh well.....

  7. It sounds  like his saddle isn't right for him. Try on some differnt saddles and see if that doesn't help

  8. There are no-slip pads on the market. they aren't that expensive,  and you can buy them at a tack store. I don't know if you can use them with a western saddle, for i ride English. But definitely talk to your vet about the saddle's fit, and see if they recommend any saddle fitters.

  9. Try using a wither relief pad.  There are also different styles of breat plates, so a different kind might work better.

  10. have someone look at the saddle and see if it fits, if it is too wide you can get a built up blanket. oterwise try to tighten the cinch tighter  :)

  11. I think you need to have a saddle fitted for your horse.  One of my horses has high withers but her saddle fit and I had no problems.  The saddle should be fitted without a saddle pad on your horse.  It should sit solid and be able to be rocked back and forth (front to back).  If you slide your hand under the side of the saddle it should be evenly across the length (no pockets, etc.)

  12. I know in the past, with one of our horses, we used a back pad that was sticky so the saddle didn't slide.  It wasn't very expensive.  It worked very well.

  13. well is your girth tight enough

  14. try a breast collar and maybe if its digging in the chest make it looser

  15. The saddle doesn't fit. There are non-slip pads you can get at any tack store. They aren't expensive at all. has some short video clips on saddle fitting and wither tracing.

  16. i used to have a standard bred gelding that was ancient with a high withers and we just made a bump pad under the western saddle.   just put on a pad like you normally would and get a nice thick fleece pad fold it in half like you normally would lay it long ways across the other pad so that it bumps your saddle up a little bit and it will keep the saddle more even so it won't slide back as much

    If he has a high withers like your saying its not that the saddle doesn't fit its just the slope of his back.  of course make sure the saddle isn't pinching his withers with them being so high

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