
How can i kill agravating weeds without harming my vegetable plants?

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How can i kill agravating weeds without harming my vegetable plants?




  1. The only safe way to do it is pulling them by hand.

    Especially since the weeds are sharing space with FOOD.  Don't even consider using a weedkiller spray ... those will most likely kill your veggie plants, as well as poison the soil they're planted in.

    Weeds are much easier to remove when the ground is wet, so either hose down the garden just before you pull them, or do it after a good rain.  Be sure you get the weeds out by the root.  If you don't they'll grow back by the next day!

  2. either manually pull them out or cut them

  3. Mix 1/4 lb salt in11/3cup water add 11/3cup liquid tide. wear a cloth glove over a rubber glove. wet cloth glove with liquid put gloved fingers around base of weed slide fingers up weed.weeds should be dead tomorrow.

  4. I check my vegetable garden every day for pests and weeds and remove any offenders at first sight.  This daily routine makes my weeding much easier than doing it once a week.

    I use my hand and I pull deeply, getting as much as the weed as possible.  If the weed hasn't set seed yet, I compost the offender right away.  This way the weed returns the nutrients to the soil that it took away from my vegetables.

    I do not use any chemicals near or on my garden because I don't want any chemicals leaching into my precious foood supply.  I have pets, too that I worry about.  And some bugs are OK in the garden; it's when I'm overrun that I have problems.  I don't mind if the critters eat the leaves, but they better stay away from the edible parts!

    I have marigolds and mints growing along the edges of my vegetable patches and these flowers seem to really have cut back on my pests this year.  Apparently the smells of these flowers repels enough pests from my garden.

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