
How can i know the list of passengers in a certain airlines?

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I want to check if my friend was continue her flight. please help me. Where can i find it in the internet. thanks




  1. You can't.  It's not public record.  Even if you call the airline, they are not allowed to give this information out.  Even if it was for a family member.

  2. To protect the safety of the passenger, airlines cannot release that information.  All you can do is try calling her or wait for her call to let you know that she arrived safely.

  3. Unless you are the Government with special authorization, you will not get access to these parts of the system. This is for major security reasons to keep the passengers flying on board safe during the flight. However, if you have your friends flight number, you can go to the airline page that shes flying from to track her plane down.

  4. You can't...the airlines are not allowed to give out that information, and neither is the FAA.

    Try texting your friend or leaving her a voicemail telling her to call you once she's safely on the ground.

    Good luck!

  5. Unless you are a government agent, it is nearly impossible to legally find out if a person was a passenger on a flight or is scheduled to fly on some future flight. With a few exceptions, the law and airline policies prohibit disclosure to members of the general public.

  6. It is illeagl to present this information to other passangers.

  7. you can't

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