
How can i land a kickflip?

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i can spin the board but i cant land it and sometimes the board goes spining anywhere but under me where its suppose to me

so how can i keep the board under me and land it too?




  1. get some hops

    but if you are probably wont happen

    my frend is asian nd he jumps like a foot

  2. Watch videos on youtube and keep practicing...

    I'm a skateboarder too and it is hard for me to land anything but and olli.. it only takes practive.

  3. try kicking off the heel while in air

  4. become a good skater


  5. land on the graphic of the board, once u get good at that, flip harder or jump higher...Master this trick, its the base of all flip tricks, trust me, take my advice.-also this helps to...OLLi-olli-kickflip--olli olli fickflip.-olli olli fickflip...just try it

  6. FOOTING: backfoot on the tail (ollie like and you might want to use the balls of your feet for this give it more power to the pop) and your front foot slightly off the edge (like some of your heel is off) a little behind the front bolts (the last one.)

    FLICK: Ollie and make your front foot move upwards (like an ollie) but pull it off the edge. Almost like a split make sure your legs are out of the way. And flick it real hard to make it spin.

    SPINNING: once you see it flip and you see the grip tap try to pull your feet back to the board and land.

    dude kickflips are hard its going to take a lot of time and pratice so its hard to explain it in words but if you keep trying you will get it!

    not good at explaining so hope it helps

  7. You want to kick out so that the board stays outta your way.  You wanna jump and stay over the board.  If that's a problem, then try holding on to a fence or a sturdy table and try doing a kickflip.  That will help you get a little more hangtime and stay over the board.  Trust me, it helps a lot.  This was my biggest problem when learning kickflips.  After holding on the something and trying a few kickflips, I got the trick on lock the next day. :]

  8. dude its all about positioning make sure your feet are in the right place if your still having trouble then just watch some pros do it in slo-mo and see what your doing wrong that always works for me. skate on

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