
How can i land my flip jump in figure skating?

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How can i land my flip jump in figure skating?




  1. The faster your going the farther back your toepick has to go. It also helps to practice jumps off ice.

  2. It's always helpful to know what you're doing wrong. first, I'm just assuming you have good enough control of edges to be working on this jump. So make sure you have a half flip, and just use more force with your arms to rotate. you won't overrotate as long as you still check out. Pull your arms in slightly to rotate.

    Yeah, you either have it or you don't do try asking somebody to watch you and tell you what's wrong.

  3. First of all, there are two ways to enter the flip jump.  If you are right handed, then one way is a left outside three turn and the other is a left to right inside mohawk.  Try both ways cause you may find one to be easier or more comfortable than the other.  When you pick, make sure your jumping leg is bent, your upper body is not leaning forward, your arms are checked with your left arm in front (if you're right handed), and your picking leg is extended straight back.  A good exercise is to go into the entry with very slow speed and just hold the picking position without jumping to make sure you're checking the three turn well.  The next step in this exercise would be to go into the jump, jump, but just go straight up, don't rotate.  Once you are comfortable with this, you can try doing the actual jump.  There is not much to remember about when you are actually in the air.  Just think about doing any other jump.  If you have a good take off, then the rotation and landing should come pretty naturally (you shouldn't have to struggle to hold the landing).  One more thing that can sometimes cause problems is the head.  On the take off, make sure your head is facing forward.  It may help if you have a target to spot.  I've always felt that doing this helps me check my three turn too.  Hope this helps!

  4. S P E E D is your friend in all jumps. Faster skating and longer edges into your jump will make your flip higher, making it easier to land.

  5. First you need a coach if you haven't got one already. Then you need to practice practice practice! Honestly, no amount of written words are really going to help you land a jump in the long run it's up to you to practice it.

    Good luck!

  6. okay.. biggest piece of information.

    the faster you go, the bigger your edges have to be.

    long edges, and keep your arms in

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