
How can i learn Weavile ice punch and pursuit at the same time?

by Guest61756  |  earlier

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I tried to learn Weavile Ice punch and he learned it ( i put a male Hitmonchan with ice punch and breed it with female Weavile and then i had a Sneasel with Ice punch) then i put this sneasel (female) with a male Honchkrow so he can learn Pursuit but the sneasel i got from this breed knew only pursuit without ice punch.

I hope you understand me.

the question is . is there any way to learn sneasel / weavile both moves Pursuit and Ice Punch ?????????




  1. i am not to sure there is, i had the same problem with a poochyena that i tried to get thunder fang and ice fang, but he couldn't learn both, the only solution i can think of is to get your hitmonchan to learn pursuit but i am not even sure that that would work.

  2. It's possible. I've done this similar thing with my Gardevoir...

    You need to have a Smeargle, if you don't have it, then you can't do it.

    What you do is sketch (with Smeargle) the moves Ice Punch and Pursuit. Make sure that this one is a male, then breed it with a female Sneasel/Weavile, and then the baby will know both moves.

    I got this info from Psypokes, and trust me, you should use their site for info like this. It's really useful, they list all the breeding possibilities for each Pokemon, and which Pokemon to breed them with.  

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