
How can i learn free style soccer?

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How can i learn free style soccer?




  1. you cant really learn freestyle soccer.. i mean its free style... if you wanna learn tricks to put in your freestyle... Just go on youtube and search soccer tricks and just watch them over and over again and then try them yourself until you got them down... but the key to soccer freestyle is control of the ball... and balance. One major trick or actually basic is when u keep the ball up with your feet...

    In Basic terms just go to youtube and search hella videos on soccer and practice them.

  2. Free style soccer really comes naturally when you play higher level soccer. It may be hard to learn it by itself, but the most important skill is juggling. All of the moves such as ATWs and stalls are all based on this skill. Before trying to do tricks, juggle until you can pretty much keep the ball up indefinitely (which means in the hundreds) after that, you'll get a good feel for the ball and tricks shouldn't be too hard. If you want new tricks, search freestyle soccer on youtube. That one japanese guy is SICK.

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