
How can i learn how to lip read?

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How can i learn how to lip read?




  1. I can lip read.

    All that I can tell you is practice practice practice.

    Have someone sit across the room for you and talk without making sound.

  2. Watch the lips over and over gain til you become great at it.... one question why you want to know?

  3. Whenever you're talking to someone look at their lips, each person's lips are held in a different postion for each letter and  sound, so you have to get used to everyone's different styles. You'd be surprised at how quickly you can learn by just letting your brain associate the sound and the form. Once your more confident in reading lips, start watching tv with the volume down, and decrease the volume as you get better.  Make sure you start with sound and looking at the lips, you'll learn faster!

    My hearing is a little lacking, so i read lips quite a bit, so much that now I have a harder time understanding people when I can't see their lips.

  4. Practice with someone and have them sit across the room and talk without saying anything than figure out what they said.


    get on youtube and do the same thing just mute it and then replay it and find out if you were right.


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