
How can i learn how to make jewelery?

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I want to learn how to craft silver jewelery. the obvious answer would be to take a class, but i dont think there are any in my area. I live in Orange County, CA.. is there another way? any good websites you know of?




  1. Check at a bookstore and see if they can help you find an instruction book.  You might also try the library.

    I would think that in Orange County CA there would be a class somewhere - talk to a local community college, or visit an Arts & Craft show and talk to some of the jewelers who make their own jewelery.

  2. I live in San Diego county and the community colleges around here offer classes all of the time.  Even our little city's recreational department holds classes on different aspects of jewelry making that are cheap, but do require a materials fee.  Michaels craft stores do too, but most of the time they are beading and construction techniques.  That being said, most of what I've learned came from books and you can find some good ones at Michaels and even Barnes & Nobels in the craft section.

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