
How can i learn how to swim each stroke

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free,breast,butterfly etc




  1. Practice, practice, practice.

    It's the only way to become a good swimmer. Some people have body types that make them naturally good swimmers, people with long bodies especially, but it all comes down to how much time you spend in the water. Swimming is one of the best forms of exercise, it burns carbs, builds endurance and muscle, and improves your cardio. So it's a really healthy sport to get into. Plus if you're ever in a pinch, you have to learn to be able to do more than splash around.  

  2. When I joined a swim team it totally improved my strokes. I even started dominating in two strokes and they started being my events. Although now I'm doing a new one. The most important is to practice! watch the olympics, spend time at a local pool, and watch how people do the strokes. I think the first thing to work on with each stroke is the kick. freestyle-scissor kick, backstroke-scissor kick, breast-frog kick, butterfly-dolphin kick. Then work on the arms, and once you have both the arms and the legs down (you don't have to be fast yet..) start working on the flip turns.

    hope I helped!

  3. i used to be a swimmer so i hope i can be of some help :) you need to really get your strokes sorted though before you try out these drills. you cant really do this without being assessed by someone.

    i find that non swimmers look at the celing to much when they breathe in frontcrawl...only half your head should come out of the water

    in butterfly keep your arms wide and powerful

    in backstroke, when you bring your arm towards the ceiling, twist it so that your littler finger enters the water first

    obviosuly you need to do the necessary stretches before getting in the pool... helps to lengthen out the muscles, make you more streamlined in the water. also helps you from pulling muscles.


    use flippers on your feet

    use paddels on your hands

    swim using a pull boyd between your legs and using only your arms to practice pull (try not to let your hips twist around too much in this)

    use a board so that yuo can practice kick

    do breathing techniques e.g. breath everyone stroke for one length, every two strokes the next etc.


    flippers and paddels again (use seperately for max effect)

    pull again

    kick. (you can use a board but best to just interlock your hands above your head, by your sides is pretty useless as your head creates too much resistance against the water)

    swim using only one arm instead of two



    (dont try and use flippers for this one!)

    kick with a board

    pull (harder with breatstoke to keep your legs up. use a pull boyd to stop your from cheating!)


    paddels (hard!)


    kick (dont use a board as you need to undulate through the water and use your hips to kick through)

    swim but using single arms instead of two together

    this next one is just a little fun exercise i picked up in training :)

    swim to the end of the pool (deep end) in whichever stroke you choose. when you get to the end put your hands on the side as if to get out and push as if to get out. dont get out though!! make sure you dont lock your elbows but extend and then lower back down. do this in reps. (my friends used to use their hands to jump up, clap and then go back down but this could result in a nasty bump to the chin!) when youve finished reps, get out, go straight onto the blocks, dive in and sprint to the end, then repeat (v.hard!)

    hope this has been of some use to you!

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