
How can i learn math?

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i memorize the multiplication table but my scores are low




  1. Sometimes you need to find the best way to learn..

    for some it means being in a quiet room, for others listening to music helps them remember and learn.

    Spend time figuring out what activates and energizes your brain.

    But most of all, just keep trying. Give it your best shot. Do plenty of study.

  2. i'm sorry to say this but learning isn't something you can teach. Practice is what will give you the skill.  I can give you some math websites if you like. :)


    Everyday Mathematics

    Good luck!

  3. you have to practice and exercise maths....try incorporate it into daily life like how many drinks u are taking, how many eggs u are eating and find the monthly sum that was a example...good luck

  4. practice practice practice..

    expose urself to as many type of qns as possible..

    & learn how to use the formula, how it is generated~~

  5. Memorizing the multiplication table isn't everything in math. There are LOADS more to learn. It's neverending.  

  6. You just have to concentrate on what you do in maths....... its practically playing with numbers. There are different types of maths you just have to give attention to the technique your teacher or friends use.

    You will automatically learn. There is nothing to learn in maths. Its actually paying attention & concentrating to what you do in it;; and dont forget to pracitse. The more you practise the better you get in Maths

    Hope it answered your question.

  7. You don't even need to memorize the multiplication table.

    If you can halve and double numbers in your head, you only need to learn the 3x and 7x tables.

    2x - doubling

    3x - learn it

    4x - double it twice

    5x - add a zero and halve the result

    6x - 3x, then double it

    7x - learn it

    8x - double it 3 times

    9x - 3x and 3x

    10x - add a zero

    11x - add a zero and add the original number

    12x - add a zero and add 3x the original number.

    Now, you are good at mathematics - well, arithmetic anyway.

  8. you need programs like daisy maths and more practise they help with stuff like that

  9. As many have said memorizing the tables is not everything. You should know where to use these tables appropriately when given a Question. For this to happen, you should do as many questions as possible. Then automatically you will be able to do questions with ease, because you know which table or formula....... is required for that question. Also when dealing with a question which you think is difficult, try to do it without pressurizing yourself......... try to do it calmly (itz a ery good point to keep in mind, it will help you a lot).

  10. i don't know my times tables and I'm still going well in maths I'm coming 48th out of 250 students

    the best way is to do it bit by bit and quiz yourself as you go

    but if you know how to do it and your just getting answers wrong i think asking the teacher is the best way and taking a bit more time with your work!!

    good luck!
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