
How can i learn telekinesis?

by  |  earlier

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straight up just tellme how i can learn it please, give me a effective way that actually works and if you can a website or something please, please, please!!!!!!!! Thank You!




  1. What you need to do is you need to channel the thysomolecular channellosis packets in your third trandecular triopsy. That's the energy that is most important for the art of telekinesis. You will have to travel to Lithuania to meet Snulga, the queen of the telekinetics, and she will give you a stone of relenting, and then you will be ready to perform telekinesis.

        To perform telekinesis for the first time, you need to wait until it is midnight one night, and when the moon is right above you, you need to howl like a wolf and beat your chest. You need to chant the following verse.

        "Unum snacularasis chiscomokkana snaccksa. Devlkasdf's, KunoaÞasdk! Alwkenjlas"

        Then you need to speak in tongues for a few minutes. Then, you need to imagine the object you plan to move. You need to visualize it. You need to feel every single atom that makes up that object. Then l**k your forefinger, and wiggle your left big toe, not the right, the left, and then blast all of your teleskloritic energy at the object.

        Once you pick up the object, you will be channeling a lot of the ellisanadenium hormone that only telekinetic individuals posess. If all of your ellisanidenium hormone is used up, you will suffer from ellisanadeniosis, and you could possibly die. You can tell when you have almost used up all of your ellisanadenium hormone when you feel weak and jittery.

        If you run low on ellisanadenium hormone, you can always eat a few skiddidiep fruits.

        Good luck to you.

  2. Many people like the site listed below. Telekinesis is now called psychokinesis (PK) in the scientific research literature.

    Unfortunately PK studies have been focused almost exclusively on providing evidence for the ability's existence and not on how to improve the ability or the circumstances that increase the chances of the ability taking place. The PK research lags years behind ESP research in this aspect. (link below)


  3. Be relaxed,be patient,start off small,& practice.

    Visualize tentacle-like strands of psi energy coming out of your third eye (That spot between your eyebrows).

    FOCUS, always. & don't quit halfway.

    Focus on a small object. Make it move. If your a begginer, its gonna take a few tries.

    If your not gonna commit, don't even try.

  4. Sorry. You can't. Any person you ever saw performing it was an illusionist. Study stage magic which is the same thing.

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