
How can i learn to dance so my fiance will fall in lvoe all over?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so my fiance is a Marine and im flying out to see him in Jan and i have from now until then to dance HOTT, he is taken me to my 1 club while im out there and while being wicked exsited im exstreamly nervous. i wanna dance so... ha ha you kno what i mean. any ideas on how i can do it?




  1. Hon, glad you want to rock your warrior marine. Take some lessons..He will love you more for it...You go girl.....

  2. honsetly just have a few drinks before you get to the club..once you are will come naturally..haha

  3. You can always take dance classes at a local dance stuidio.  If you are too embaressed to do that you can rent a DVD that will teach you general dance moves.  You may not be able to use these moves in a club but they will help you with your rhythm.  

    Google "How to Dance Videos" and you should find some good examples with that.

    Ask one of your friend's for dancing advice.  Trust me, anyone that thinks they are a good dancer is just dying to teach someone how to do the same.

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