
How can i learn to do the splits?

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I really want to learn how to do the splits, but I don't want to pull a muscle or anything like that learning, How can I? I know that you need to stretch, but what kind of stretches and exercises? Please let me know. Also how long do you think it will take for me to learn how to do the splits? Thanks.




  1. to avoid getting hurt just do bout 5-8 minutes of aerobic exercise before the stretching (e.g running, cycling, rope skipping...)

    Doing a complete routine daily will surely give your results in about 2-3 months times depending on the person.

    However its hard to explain the routine in words. Try some search on google and make out a routine.

  2. How long depends on your age/current flexibilty etc. The younger  you are, the easier it will be.

    Make sure you loosen up, so go for a gentle run for a few minutes. Then do excersizes like sit on the floor with your legs as far apart as you can, and try and get your forehead to each of your knees without bending your leg. They put the soles of your feet together, bring them as close to your body as you can, and push your knees to the floor.

    You'll basically need to make sure all the muscles in your legs are strong and flexible.

  3. Side splits or front and back.

    The hardest part about doing the splits is the brain realizing you are flexible enough to do the splits.

    Thomas Kurz book is really good.

    Stretch out the legs as wide as they will go and hold for thirty seconds, then keeping your legs where they are tense your muscles that would bring them together for 10 seconds, as soon as you relax widen out your legs. repeat this until your legs wont go any further and tense the muscles for thirty seconds.

    Do this twice per week and normal stretching three times a day all other days.

  4. How long depends on how flexible you are. The stretching you need to do starts with stretching your legs as far apart as possible with your current flexibility and pushing that just beyond the comfort zone. Each day, push your zone just a little more. Eventually, you will make it.

  5. It is a progressive stretching exercise common in martial arts like kick boxing.

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