
How can i learn to love myself???

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For 3 years now, whenever i look in the mirror, 80% of the time i hate what i see.I am 17 years old, 5'3 and 119 lbs. Either im too chubby, too white, my teeth arent white enough, my hair has too many fly aways or split ends. Im sick of hating the way i look. And i have a really hard time eating around other just makes me feel so uncomfortable. Calories have absolutely poisoned my views on foods. Every little thing i eat gets calculated and if its over 300 i wont eat it. What can i do to make that voice in my head telling myself im not good enough to shut up?? Its like i have someone in my head always telling me everything bad about myself.




  1. think about the positive things that are in your life rather than the negative things that come along unexpectedly.

    like: --what did you accomplish in the past before this started happening?/--who was there to help you learn how to swim for the first time?/--what are your favorite type of foods?/--what type of sports or activities you enjoy doing on your spare time?/--the name of the artist that you enjoy listening to their music or what your favorite song(s) could be and why that is so?/--favorite subject of any sort (school related, etc)?/--what your favorite vacation spot is or what your dream vacation would be like?/--etc...stuff like that.

  2. research body dysmorphic disorder. its possible you do not look like you think you look. and there is treatment for it.

    it sure must take a lot of time to calculate all the calories, etc. It must feel like you are a slave to food. I have a better idea. Just fill up on complex carbs like brown rice and fresh veggies. Eat all other food in moderation. Run every other day for at least 20 minutes (don't forget to warm up and cool down). Take a vitamin every day. Get plenty of sleep. If you do all these things, I promise you your weight will take care of itself. I suggest you read a book called "the Negative Calorie Effect". Make it your goal to be as healthy as you can be. Health is powerfully attractive. Strong healthy people not only look better, but also smell better and exude confidence. It just comes naturally.

       Don't be so hard on yourself. There is no body out there who is perfect. No one.

    Your inner qualities are so much more important than your physical appearance. This is really true.

      Please see a doctor and tell him/her about your concerns. Be honest with the doctor. There is no reason for anyone to suffer so in this day and age. I know you can find the help you need so you can feel better.

    Best wishes to you, dear.  

  3. Start thinking about features you like. Do you have pretty eyes? Do you have a nice personality?

    If you still can't handle what you don't like... Try artificial tanning. Try whitening your teeth. Try different hair products and trim your hair or even cut it short and start over. When it comes to your weight, you're thin, but it's always good to diet and exercize. But quit think about how many calories you take in and start think about what kind of calories you take in. Eat three healthy meals and two healthy snacks everyday! No excuses!!

  4. You sound like you have an eating disorder to me.  I know it's hard to think about it, and there is no one real qure of it.  The only thing that I can help you with the dealing with the way you feel about yourself.  (This is coming from a women who's batteled Bi-polar disorder for 6 years and is still batteling it everyday(my out burst aren't as bad as they use to be, but it's still deal with it)) Which is wat you're going to need to do.  Its all about finding a way to deal with yourself.  And I usually write down my bad thoughts, it way to clear my head and keep me sane(for lack of a better word).  Well I hope this helps.  

  5. Stop reading cosmo and watching MTV

  6. Your prob hot dont worry about it

  7. Think of all your good qualities and don't put emphasis on your bad ones , work out , brush your teeth every time you eat and don't calculate the calories in every food you eat it will only stress you.

  8. Think About The Positive Aspects Of Yourself Or The Things That You Do Like About Daily For A Mood Boost Or You Could Always Ask Your Friends About What They Like About You. Not Everyone Is Perfect And You Have To Find A Way To Be Happy About Who You Are Without Putting Yourself Down. The Voice In Your Head Is You And Once You Start Thinking Positively About Yourself, The Voice Should Stop Gradually And Eventually Go Away. You Should Definitely Tell A Close Friend Or Family Member About How You Feel And Most Of The Time, They Will Be Able To Give You Some Great Advice. Don't Worry About Calories As Long As You Exercise Regularly And Eat Healthy Food Most Of The Time, You Won't Need To Worry About The Numbers. You Don't Have To Look Like A Celebrity In Order To Be 'Perfect' And Because You Are White, You Can't Help That. You Could Try Getting A Tan Or Just Feel Great About Your Skin. Hope This Helps! :)

  9. When I was your age, I was very shy and really hated myself. I didn't like anything about myself. It took me a while but, after a long time, I simply started to accept myself as I was and as I am now. It wasn't easy. I can honestly say I love and respect myself better than when I was in my twenties and teens. Find a few things that you can like about yourself that is positive. It can be eye color, skin, what you are like, or what you gift you have. The only thing that really helped me was that I liked reading and writing. Make a list and write it down. Continue your list and keep writing down things that you see which are positive. Ask a friend or a parent to help you and write down what they see as positive.  

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