I like lacrosse but i've never played it im gonna be at junior this year and my school doesnt offer lacrosse (black schools suck) I wanna learn how to play lacrosse and i need to learn fast because im gonna tranfer during the middle of the year to a new school that has just been built so they might offer lacrosse, i really want to play but i need to learn how to play and i want to get as good as i can before the season starts. Anything helpful that'll help me to achieve my goal?
Oh and i either wanne be a midfielder of an offensive player. so any tips about those postions would be helpful.
Oh i used to play football (WR) until i got hurt, Baseball(Pitcher,CF), and basketball, (pg) if thats any help.(thinking about going to play basketball also)
SO any tips would be helpful and remeber i have yet to touch a lacrosse stick ball