
How can i learn to run a mile?

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I want to lose a little weight, so I decided to start running, not only to lose weight, but to also get better at running a mile for school.

i want to run around a park near my house (which is like 2.5 laps) straight without stopping or anything, and run it twice. I run really bad miles, maybe about 12minutes if i try. I know, I suck. Haha. I want to learn how to control my breathing and how to get a pace that I'm comfortable with and learn how to run a mile without stopping. I don't know how to do that and I want to start as soon as possible. Can someone help me learn to run a mile without stopping? And tell me what I should bring when I go running and maybe some tips on what to wear? Haha. Sorry, I know this is a lot to answer...

Please and thank youu.




  1. Try going with light and loose wear for better comfort (shorts,tank top etc), also a water bottle would be good to bring, try not getting distract by other things and just focus on finishing the mile nothing else, and your going to see by the time you finish your going to surprise yourself...

  2. It's best to have a positive mental state of mind. :) Start small and work your way up and you'll get better.

    Are you overweight or just want to lose a few pounds? What's your body shape? Slim? Big? In the middle?

    Get a good pair of shoes like Asics or Mizunos with comfortable cloths for the weather. Enjoy the run, don't take it too seriously, or you'll take the fun out of running. If you don't enjoy it, what's the point?

    Observe your surroundings, have your mind on a different subject to take your thoughts off the 'pain' you're in, etc.

    Here's another important tip: Think of how much distance you've ACCOMPLISHED and not HOW MUCH DISTANCE MORE you have to run. It'll drain a little confidence from you and you need confidence to be determined.

    So for example, instead of "Ughh...two..more..laps to..go...I'll never finish this race!" How about "Two laps down, two to go! If I push myself, I'll do great!" Or, "Only two more laps and that's it!"

    Remember, don't overwork yourself. Give yourself 1-3 days off a week so your muscles have time to restore and rebuild. Take a hot bath to soothe soreness and use icy hot pads. Eat protein to help restore muscles. Bananas are a good example. Drink PLENTY of water and energy drinks.

    Don't drink coke. Period.

    Warm up a good 15 minutes before a run and stretch before and after run. Not doing this can give you tight muscles, shin splints and other injuries.

    See what I mean? :)

    Hope this helped! Good luck!

  3. join a cross country team. that trains you. but if you don't want to:

    run around the park twice without stopping to a stand or walk. if you are eying it correctly, that's 1.25 miles. the next day, run around the park 5 times without slowing to a walk. the next day, only do 4, but then up to 6, then down to 5, etc.

    it will seem much harder, and you may believe you can't do it, but running is all mental. if you feel soar from the pain, and that you can't go on, that is what running is testing you on. if you can feel a pain (and you should know which pain i'm talking about, not like a cut or a puncture.) then its good. that is what you will always feel when you are running after time. if you do that when you are practicing, you can get used to the pain, so when you are really being tested, you are familiar with that pain.

    if you can go one more lap a day every 2 days, you can come to huge distances very fast. but every day off cancels out every hard day of running.

    running is the hardest sport there is. don't let the challenge make you turn it down. i have overcome the challenge, and can now go at 4:20 at any given time.

  4. first run for 5 minutes straight then do that everyday then when that gets easier do it for 7 minutes straight then when that gets easy run 10 minutess straight and i run mile in 630 and i did this until i could run it easily so just   keep building up on how long you can run and you will be able to run it in no time!

  5. I'm glad that you're taking care of your health and it's great that you want to learn to be a better runner.

    When you run you should wear shorts, and old shirt, and some nice running shoes that you feel comfortable running in. It doesn't really matter what you wear what you run because you need to focus on your goals, not your fashion.

    While running, try keeping a good form. Your arms should be at your sides and you should take deep breaths. Breathe in through your nose, and out through your mouth. Never let your arms cross your mid-section (your chest) because this makes it more difficult for your body to receive oxygen.

    Also, try sticking your chest out when you run. If you do this it will help your body get oxygen to your lugs quicker.

    You should eat a balanced diet full of lean meats, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, fruits, and yes veggies.

    Try avoiding drinks such as Gatorade because they contain a lot more sugar than what you'd expect. The best thing to drink is water, water, water, and oh yeah water.

    You should get better every day - distance running is all about getting better and making progress. Try running two laps one day then taking a long rest, get back up and take another rest..and so on. Since you are a beginner, you do not want to go out and try to run your fullest because you are not ready for that yet. Sprint seven seconds into the beginning, and then get into your pace. Don't worry too much about your time at this point because your biggest goal is to finish. Remeber not to give up. Sometimes it's better to run with a buddy or listen to music while running. Stay calm. Always stretch properly before and after you run so that you don't ruin your muscles.

    Take water when you run, and that's about it. There really isn't an equipment needed.

    Good luck with everything!


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