
How can i learn to sing better?

by  |  earlier

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I want to learn to sing as good as Miley Cyrus, Or Mariah Carey,ect , so do you know how i can hold a high note, sing awesome, and do singing exercises?




  1. take classes.

  2. well i am a great singer but all i do is since i was little i would sing to the songs now all i do is go on youtube find a song i like find the lyrics to the song and sing it! =)

  3. lessons

  4. Well theres plenty of ways,

    Hope this helps


  5. If you want to sing "as good as" Miley you may as well give up.

  6. Well there is singing tips and lessons online for free or downloadable....u could try that

    or just find a singing class near where u live.

  7. First of all, if you want to sing as good as Miley Cyrus or Mariah Carey, you should choose one first because it is not fair to compare them. Even if you are a true Miley Cyrus fan, I truly understand and respect that, many people are. However, she can't actually sing. Her voice is nothing more than average. On the C.D.'s they have special programs to make it sound perfect, but her voice is still nothing special.

    Now that we cleared that up, you need to start with the very basics; breathing. You must breathe from your diaphragm, otherwise you will not be able to "hold a high note" as you quoted. A good activity that I try to do at least three times a week is to lay on the ground with something heavy on your stomach, and just breathe. Make sure your chest does not move at all and it is all in your diaphragm. If the objects lift up and down with your diaphragm, you are doing it right.

    Once you get that down, you will notice a tremendous improvement in your voice. If you want more advice after that, just email me at

  8. Practice practice practice

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