
How can i live & work in france?

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im 16 & would really love to live in france. could anyone give me some info on how to achive this?




  1. why would you want to...x*x

  2. If you are European you can go there any time you want. But why would you want to go there?

    Apart from the wine, the culture, the food, the scenery, the amazing cheeses, the history, the fashion, the great transport system, the friendly cities and the complete lack of recent warmongering I can't think of any reasons.

  3. Make sure your french is up to scratch then it is exactly the same as here.

  4. I'm originally from the UK but have been living in France now for 10 years. Your move will depend very much on your circumstances.

    1) Can you speak passable French?

    It will be near impossible to live in France without speaking French, and extremely frustrating if you attempt to.

    2) Do you have a job to come to?

    If no... Are you willing to work as a cleaner or as a server/waitress in a restaurant?

    3) Are you settling in a city or in rural France? Will you be by yourself?

    France is a big country and has a lot of places that are pretty isolated. Finding friends, contacts and in some cases a local store can involve a lot of km's travel.

    4) If you wish to work as an au pair be aware - many become under paid house cleaners as well as looking after kids.

    Sorry to pour cold water on your plans. France does have a big unemployment problem and realistically, if you cannot speak French you will find the going very hard.

    Bureaucracy can be a big problem too.

    To live in France you will need to provide evidence you can support yourself and have somewhere to live.

    That said. There are plenty of groups on the net that can provide you with good advice and friendship if you make the move and arrive here.

    I'll list some of them below.

    Good luck with your project and hope it works out for you!

  5. I'm 15 and I want to live there to. Such a beautiful place. Um, i was looking into a study abroad for 2 years of college and I'm doing foreign exchange senior year. Then I can hopefully get the feel for it. But, i think it is expensive to live there and it is hard to find houses or apartments in a bigger city ( such as Paris) Baby sitting and other part time jobs are good but it is har to get a full time job because the working schedule. Best thing to do, in my opinion, is to do a foreign exchange and a study abroad to learn more from people who are actually there... plus if you have good grades you can probably pull off a scholarship of some kind to get you into a french university. This is really all i know but I'm sure you could ask your french teacher or look on google for information.

  6. You can pick up books in WHSmiths and other book retailers, they detail working abroad during holidays - fruit picking, voluntary work etc. I think one of them is called Working Abroad , A guide. There is also plenty of other advice from a traveller's website:

    Hope this helps.

  7. Work as an au pair, a sort of glorified babby sitter who lives with the family they work for.

    Many French families like to hire Brits and Americans for this type of work so that their children will learn English.

  8. why arent you in bed?

    Get the ferry from dover to calais- go to job centre.

    Doh, why did i not think of that?

  9. hi, i moved over here as my partner lives here and had a job. I have been here 6 months and still cant get a job. I have applied to everything from baby sitting to stocking shelves in the supermarkets. You must have a minimum of basic french, like GCSE or A level french to even be considered for a job.

    Yes there are a lot of english and american families living here and wanting english speakers to mind their children, but i know someone who lives and minds the children, cleans the house etc. and only earns E50 a week on top of this. As most people live in the countryside you must have a drivers license also. Another friend minds children just for mornings, and earns minimum wage and enjoys it as the parents live in the center of town but its a nightmare to get in and out of for 8am in the morning!

    If money doesnt matter to you, go for au pair. Check out websites like, or craiglist, or are examples of websites you can use.

    But before you consider it, learn french! I am taking night courses now for 6 months and no where near acceptable french for living here!!

  10. why would you want to

  11. Have to be a g*y commie.

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