
How can i look at census reports free

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How can i look at census reports free




  1. offers a 2 week free trial.

    Go to your library, they may have the library edition of, all you need is a library card.  If you library does not have it, ask them to find you a library that does.

    USGENWEB has select census transcribed by volunteers, hit or miss with this one. offers the 1880 census for free.  Also this site is run by the mormans(LDS) and they have family history centers all over the US, find one and then go there to see what their census collection contains(will be on microfilm, in which you only pay for copy fees).

    Check to see if there is a genealogy society local in your area, they sometimes transcribe census records for the town.  Contact other out of town genealogy societies to determine what their census holdings are.

  2. Go to your local Public library and ask if they have a genealogy branch or room, often they do and will help you.

    Also ask if the local morman church has a FAMILY HISTORY LIBRARY, open to even non-mormans, infact more and more non-mormans use it, for just such purposes.

    Also your local Library probably subscribes to and heritage quest, which you can access on their computers.

    My library allows me access to heritage quest through their own website from home that I access with my library card number.

    a Good Genealogy library will have all records.

    And Census online website, has some census records, has the complete 1880 census online.

    There is NO 1890 census, it burned in a fire.

    all census data has been released to the public from 1790-1930.

    The 1940 census is available in 2012.

  3. Try your local public library (or even community colleges or universities) if they have a genealogy section. Also, many libraries have access to both and Ancestry lists many census records.

  4. Hi Jennifer,

    Unless you put it in your question, we can't tell what country you are in. It is the most frustrating thing Yahoo does. It doesn't matter if you go into domestic Yahoo or one of the International Yahoos (UK, Australia, Canada, India . . .), all of the questions in English go into one big "pot".

    If you mean the USA, read on. if not, delete your question and ask again, this time saying for what country. and Heritage Quest sell subscriptions to the census images. They could not do so if you could get all of them free elsewhere. Your library may have a subscription.

    The Mormons have the 1880 US on-line; also 1881 UK (Not Scotland) and the  1881 Canadian.

    Some US Gen Web sites have some years and some pages on-line. Some other sites do too.

    may help there.

  5. Here in the UK there is only the 1881 census that is completely free to search.

  6. If you are looking particularly for UK census returns  check out which is free . The Mormon ( LDS ) site gives free transcriptions ( not original ) for some Canadian and US returns  as  well as the 1881 census for England and Wales ( not Scotland ) or provide a comprehensive list of UK and US census returns  and although not free is not expensive if taken on a monthly access basis .  

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