
How can i look like amy winehouse??

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How can i look like amy winehouse??




  1. dont shower

    dont brush your teeth

    get a record deal

    grow your hair all nasty and black and tangled and put it like a beehive

    sniff crack

    get real skinny

    get bad teeth

    bad english accent

    walk on the street and look like s**+*


  2. bee hive hair everyone will notice that.

  3. WHAT!? why would want to look like her if you mean before the drugs and smoking like in 2004 then i  get what you mean she was VERY beautiful!

    this is what she looked lie back then-

  4. just look at some of her pics then match it

  5. dress sort of rough, jeans, singlets, big earring, big hair, lots of makeup, lots of tattoos, big lips, long face, thin, wide eyes,

    and yeah,

    when she is healthy she is soooo pretty.

    like reeally pretty.

    look at this

    how can anyone say she is not stunning there.

    but now i dono why you would wanna look like her, she doesn't look healthy.

    i love her though, hope she gets better, and im almost CERTAIN she will

  6. -get wasted

    -grow you hair and tie it up like you dont care

    -sing really really badly

    -wear lots of makeup

  7. Don't eat

    Hide in a dark corner until your skin gets white

    Buy a huge supply of eyeliner and practice putting it on everyday until you get her big triangle thing down

    Grow your hair out really long and if it's not black then dye it black and also dye it with red streaks

    Do drugs and get drunk

    And yeah that's all I can think of

    Does that sound like something a sane person would want to do?

  8. please dont do that :)

    you probably like 589243659743653 times better than her

  9. the question is not how, the question is why



    1. pull bag section out

    2. part the rest of the hair 1/2 up 1/2 down

    3. back comb the top half a lot

    4. when it's reall good and back combed make it into a poof and pin it with bobby pins

    5. curl the bottom of your hair

    6. part bang and curl ends


    1. black liquid eyeliner on top (thick). Add a swoosh at the end

    2. lots of mascara

    3. using regualr black liner, dab a mark for her beauty mark

    4. add pink lipstick with a little gloss

  11. go to rehab

    have no teeth


  12. Why shes ugly

  13. you cannot be serious....

  14. ew ew ew ew ew ew ew

  15. Well,

    You can grow your hair really long, get it tangled and build a birdhouse on your head.

    Sing terribly.

    Hit random people on the street.

    Rot some teeth and let them fall out.

    And wear TONS of make-up.

  16. Wear your eye make up like a cats

    wear a bee hive hair style

    get wasted

    wear lots of makeup

    and get an accent

    go to rehab

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