
How can i look my age???

by  |  earlier

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im 17 yrs old, but ppl say i look 15 or 14. it bugs me wen they think that, bc im really older than that. so how can i look lyk im 17 yrs old?? im 5 foot 1, and i hate it wen ppl think i look younger than i really am, so can u plz help me????




  1. Never smoke, get lots of rest and exercise everyday.

  2. enjoy it! I am 28 and am back in college and one day in class I was mentioning how hard it is to study with 2 kids and these younger kids in my class were like...oh you babysit? and I said no.......they are my kids and they were soooo surprised and then I said that I am married and have been for 8yrs and their mouths dropped! lol They said I looked like I was 21 or so! Man was that a Huge Ego boost for me cause I had just had my 2nd baby lol I was bragging to my husband and my husband said they were just hitting on me lol Whatever! It felt good! So be happy cause one day you will LOVE the complement of looking young!

  3. don't worry about it! hopefully you'll always look younger then your age! especially when you get in your 40's! lol

  4. you can wear high heels or platforms,wear different makeup and hair (like hilary duff)and try different cloths

  5. I used to hate it when people would say this to me (as I have always looked young for my age too) but I must say it....You will enjoy that someday.

    I am 37 now and people say I look like I'm in my 20's. I used to hate it when people commented on how young I lookd but now that I'm older I love it LOL

    The only problem is I tend to get dirty looks from people even comments sometimes when I am out with my 4 kids because they "think I am too young to have that many kids so they assume I'm some young welfare mom. That can be annoying but oh well I can't walk around wearing a sign that states "I'm 37 years old" LOL

    PS. I'm 5'1 as well.

  6. You could try high heels to make yourself look taller, or platform shoes.

    Make up, wearing your hair down, or a new style of clothing might help, also.

    Theres nothing you can do if you have a young face, but wait to mature. Don;t worry about it to much.

    It's personailty that counts!

  7. Omg I hate that too!!!!

    I'm 16[turning 17 in December] and I hate it soo bad!

    It's even worse when little 14 year olds and 13 year olds have a crush on you!!!!!It's like "NO! u have an older brother?" lol. You see my point. What has helped me is getting a job and wearing a little different clothing. But then I hate when I TRY to look my age because I'm afraid people are going to think, "Omg look at that little 14 year old trying to act 16" when in fact I'm just trying to look my age :|

    I guess we can deal, or change a little bit of style.

    The way we wear our makeup, the shoes we wear....etc.

    It sucks :| i'm short too[probably your height] but at the same time, I kind of like it because I don't look exactly like all the girls you kno? Like you see Mexican girls at a party or something and they all look EXACTLY the same lol. So I guess in ways ew should be grateful, but its hard :(

  8. posture is key... standing up straight.

  9. Don't worry, one shop keeper asked my age when i tried to buy a bottle of wine  at the age of 26 he thought i was a young BOY!!! So things could always be worse. x*x

  10. try changing your hair style and clothes.

  11. It seems it's the way it works for most of us...when you're in your teens, you want to look older, when you're older, you want to look younger.

    I don't think there's much you can do...maybe wear more sophisticated clothes?

  12. Sorry, but when you grow up a bit you will realize that that is a good thing!  

  13. I'm 14 people think I'm 9. yeah it sucks, I just dress old and wear my hair very stylish. I also am in love with high heels (I'm 4' 10)

  14. You should be happy you have a pretty face that is why people think you’re young. Be happy and be healthy

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