
How can i look womanly in a bikini?

by Guest45552  |  earlier

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im a guy and i half to look like a women in a bikini cause for this undercover mission im on. im part of the C.I.A. Jesus christ i hate my boss for makeing me do this. anyway how do i make it look like i hav no lump in front of the bikini bottem and if u laugh at this question youll just be wasteing your time and ill ignore it. but i would like to here some mean jokes about this question lol sometimes there funny, but however i would like some of you to answer this seriously. (but i do like the jokes) lol




  1. What does the C.I.A. stand for, Crazy In Alabama?

  2. Wack your weenie and your gonads and get breast implants.

  3. i don't believe you.

  4. lol crazy in alabama i know what u do u get off this site and get a ******* life perv dudes like u make me sick and cia member dont come on yahoo asking for helo

  5. Get a bit of piano wire, loop one end around your balls; tie the other end to a tree and run away from it as fast as possible.

    This will make sure you don't propagate and I'll sleep easier.

  6. i think your lying.if u were really c.i.a. you wouldnt be in here talking about a mission.and wouldnt be dressing yourself like a woman.get real bud

  7. The way your a griping like a little b#tch you shouldn't have any problems. Give us a break!

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