
How can i loose a lot of weight in 8 days?

by  |  earlier

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i want to know the quickest way to loose weight without starving myself




  1. You wont be able to lose a lot in 8 days, and certainly dont starve yourself! Eat healthily, and enough, and exercise every day. You will gradually lose weight in a healthy way.

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  2. Ok firstly I know everyone says "don't lose weight quickly, it's not healthy and all that" And the truth is it isn't. But sometimes things come up in life and you need a quick solution.

    Try the Lemon detox. I tried it and lost 6 kg in a week. I would be lying if i said it wasn't hard, but this was more that i wanted food rather than i was actually hungry. It is a liquid diet, but works better than any detox or diet I have ever tried. It was satisfying and afterwards I went onto eating normal food again and the best part was - i didnt put the weight back on. Usually when you lose weight fast it goes straight back on. But it didnt. I am actually going to do it again before spring to lose a couple more kilos.

  3. The quickest way would be to get a limb removed.

    Either that or dont drink and remove any water retention.

    You'd be better of dealing with the issues in your head that caused you to ask the question.

  4. by doing lots of exercise

    not eating food which has oil and less fat or nil fat

    dont rest for too long

    drink lots of water and fibre and protiens which will help u to digest food

    you can buy diet pills which help you 2 reduce ur weight

  5. 8 days is not a sufficient time. It will take atleast 1 month for satisfactory results.

    By the way you can try following things.

    1. Remove Oil, ghee, butter from Food ( Eat only food without Oil, ghee, butter)

    2. Eat boiled vegatables.

    3. Drink more water.

    4. Eat Cauliflower, cabbage & green vegitables in more quantity.

    5. Walk in Morning & evening daily to 30-40 minuts.

    Try it for 7 days You will see the difference.

  6. You are doomed to failure I am afraid, quick weight loss is neither healthy nor is it ever sustained and in 8 days you will lose precious little whatever you do, in fact the evidence is that so called dieters like you have a 2 in 3 chance of ending up heavier.

    What you need to succeed is  both effort and willpower.

    The problem with your question is that if you look in "search for questions" it comes up 30 times every day. I have had some criticism for repeatedly using the same answer, but since I am happy with my answer, and the questions are the same, I don't see the issue with recycling the same answer.

    In practise for problems that came up on a regular basis we tended to use patient leaflets to avoid having to repeat ourselves this seemed a sensible use of resources. What follows is thus in effect me information leaflet.

    Weight loss and fitness is always a long term commitment and never a quick fix. If you really want to reduce your weight a bit, this is a complex regime, that should help, I would get a pencil to write it down, in case you forget any of the intricate details.

    Currently only using the criteria 'lose weight' there are 9,419 questions and answers on Answers already. Mis-spell it as 'loose weight' and you get another 2,633! 'Weight loss' will add another 1,883. 'Too fat ' 15,515 and 'overweight' 2,692 and 'over weight' 26,269!!!!!.

    'Diet Pills' gives 607, Green tea 482, Hoodia 195, 'pink patch' 119, 'Xenical' 91 'Reductil' 78, 'Slim fast' 215 (and Slimfast 69 ), lipotrim 44 and 'orlistat' 40 . Do you spot a pattern here? OMG that is 60,000 questions with the same basic theme, wanting to lose weight!

    Here comes the only answer, no tricks, no pills, no short cuts, If you really want to lose weight, loose weight, not be too fat or overweight, follow these instructions carefully:-

    1) Eat less

    2) Take regular vigorous exercise

    Repeat 1 + 2 forever

  7. That would be a huge mistake.  

    How about sticking to the only method that works - a permanent diet change!


  8. In 8 days! that's about 2-3lbs healthily.

    I'm afraid you won't lose a lot of weight in 8 days, you didn't gain it all in 8 days so you won't lose it all in 8 days I'm afraid.

    Go for a run and eat more veg and fruit, cut back on crappy foods like chocolate cakes and carbs, cut out all alcohol and fizzy drinks and drink 3 litres of water a day.

    Good Luck

    Kez x

  9. Hi there

    First cut out all bread. Eat cereal with skimmed milk twice in the day and a big meal in-between that contains plenty of veg and chicken or fish. Don't go hungry eat fruit or low fat yoghurt for snacks. Drink plenty of water or low fat juice. Good luck

  10. Losing too much weight in a short period of time ( starving yourself, taking diet pills, etc) is VERY unhealthy.

    The quickest way that worked for me was doing cardio and weight training along with a good, balanced diet.I did the following 2-3 times a week for 1 month:

    -cardio (running long distance) for 15 mins

    -ab workouts (sit ups, crunches, etc) 100 times of each

    -machine / weight workouts (peck deck, leg press, etc) increasing the weights gradually

    -drink a lot of water instead of juice / soft drinks

    -eat a healthy (not neccesarily restricted), balanced diet. Avoid greasy and sugary food. Don't eat right after exercise because it will get absorbed much easier.


  11. haha

  12. It's probably not a good idea to lose a lot of weight in 8 days.  The faster you lose, the faster you may gain it all back.

    However, some people swear up and down to colon cleansing.

  13. you are scrumptious, why you need to lose some weight? don't try anything funny

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