
How can i loose weight fast? like list workout plans or something.. please help?

by  |  earlier

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okay well i'm looking to slim down, because once summer came, i was a couch potato. so i was wondering if you guys could list workout plans for me and how long to do each exercise or something, and give me tips to like slim down. please answer soon cuz im gunna start right away. :] thanks.




  1. Welcome!,

    Your best bet to solve your questions is Vince del Monte. I recommend you browse his blog at: He is a prospering non steroid bodybuilder that cal help to fullfills your questions about bodybuilding.

    In many situations,, the supplement corporations provides misleading sites to boost their sales.

    I personally benefited from his sites

    All my best,

  2. Fruits and vegetables are a must.  Try to eat fruit for breakfast.  Eat fruits and veggies with every meal and for your snacks if you need a snack between meals.

    Eat three meals a day and two healthy snacks in between meals if needed.  Eat breakfast, you will be less hungry the rest of the day.  

    If you skip meals your body will store anything you eat as fat for later energy use.  By eating many small meals a day you keep your body fueled and it will burn excess fat for energy instead of storing it.

    Nuts make a great snack also and are heart healthy.

    Drink lots of water, no diet drinks.

    Always eat when you are hungry, but don't eat just to eat or because you are bored.  Try to eat about ever 3 hours or so on average or as needed, everybody is a little different.

    Eat until you are satisfied but not until you are stuffed full.

    Try strength training exercises either weight lifting or body weight exercise.  Muscle burns much more fat and strength training will build lean muscle.  

    Some body weight exercises to try include jumping jacks, push-ups, sit-ups, crunches, lunges and jumping squats.  Strength training will also tone your problem area's.

    Hope this helps...

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