
How can i loose weight fast to be a flyer durin cheer season???

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well. i made it on the cheer squad in school and since im on the thick side i knw that im gonna be a base. however i want to cheer for UK (university of kentucky) wen i got to college and they only accept female flyers.

does any1 knw how i can loose weight fast and also were i can get flying experience. maybe all star coed squad? i dnt really knw all that stuff. all i knw about is the basics. thanx




  1. Hey girl!

    I've only been flying for a year now - looks so easy... haha but it's so not!

    DON'T LOOSE WEIGHT FAST!!! Its the worst thing, because you will become weaker. Make sure you eat at least three meals a day but eat healthy things - try to cut out yummy snacks like soda, chocolate, fried food. Stretch constantly - I do my splits at least twice a day. Just simply by keeping a check on your diet and by stretching and maybe some running or playing sports with friends, you'd be surprized on just how in shape you can stay without having to go on any crazy diet or exercise plans.

    You don't have to be a twig to be a flyer, especially in college, against popular belief. One of the best flyers on our all girl squad weighs about 115... i don't know how big you are and all that but most girls think they have to weigh under 100. Not true.

    Also.... I don't know how old you are but I'm just letting you know... the older it is when you are learning to fly the harder it gets to pick up on it (something i found out pretty fast). So start taking some classes at a local gym or something to get some air time. Like they say, practice makes perfect.

    :) Hope I helped!

  2. You need a lot of flying experience to fly on a co ed squad. If you're wanting to lose weight you should start running and make sure you're eating right. Eat 3 times a day with snacks in between.

    You can try out for a competitive cheer squad. It might be a good idea to start out as a base. You need to learn how to do every position. You probably don't want to learn how to be a base but its a good idea. By being a base you can understand the kinds of things flyers need to work on. So when you do get a chance to fly you'll know what to fix and what bases want or don't want you to do.

    I hope that helps. Good luck.

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