
How can i loose weight?

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ok here it goes I'm male I'm 14 and I'm a little fat I'm on a diet kind of called weight wacthers but my mum keeps buying cakes and when i say no she tells me to eat them because she bought them i dont like to eat fatty foods and ive got fatter over the holidays and im very very depressed so dont give me eat healthy and exercise i need a exercise routine to do at home i have a bike station dumbells and a walking machine with handles so at least if i have cakes the exercise will hopefully burn them away and burn some fat aswell please this is my last option best answer will be noted and very thanked hope to see your replies.




  1. do u know how many calories are they in they cake? ok, one small  muffin=300 calories, the cake properly about 500 calories.

    walk 1 mile= burn 100 calories

    that mean u have to walk for 500 to burn one pieces of cake, were that worth it? u need to cut off the sugar, junk food ,and fatten food, eat more lean protein, fruits,veg and whole grain. at your age, you're still growing so u need to consume about 2000 calories a day, hso u can get all the nutrition u need to growth also get u the energy u need and benefit for your health.

  2. You need to exercise and eat healthy!! thats the key honey!! exercise by walking or running on your treadmill three times a week for 30 min of moderate exercise or 20 min for heavy exercise..just keep your body moving stay active in sports and stuff at school, football soccer, swimming gym class do those things you will have fun while getting and staying in shagpe what do you mean by cakes? your mom wants to shove your face with sweets.. im so sorry but thats not good. good luck and you tell your body what to eat no one else..okay?


    fallow this :]

  4. !- What constitutes a little fat (Pounds overweight/) 2- You are at an age of growth spurts and will be hungry. Be aware of it. 3- To really lose weight is relatively easy, keeping the weight off is most difficult.4- You will have to completely change your eating habits. You  will have to point out to your mother that you can't eat cake and unless she or the rest of the family wants it stop buying it. Eating habits MUST change. Fruit, veggies, (no fast food, hard to do when with the gang I know but) Reduce your bread intake, one slice not two or three. But also on occassion treat yourself to ice cream or a candy bar. If you go off your diet for a day or so go back to it DON'T QUIT..You may not lose more than a couple of pounds at first but as you stick with it you will find that it becomes easier as time goes  by  Good Luck

  5. ask your mum why she is trying to keep you fat and tell her to freeze

    the cakes also try to sleep more recent studies have shown that teens are gaining weight because they don"t sleep enough and this not only effects how much weight they can lose but can also cause them to gain more

  6. why is it loose?you have to politely refuse the cakes...improve your typing skills too...not enough full stops : )

  7. Sparkteens is a very good dieting website and is completely free.

    Just say no about this cake thing.. Your mum can't force you to eat anything you don't want to.

  8. You obviously know to lose weight you have to burn more calories than you consume and diet is key. At 14 your metabolism is about as good as it gets.

    Try doing a cycling workout of 8 second sprints followed by 12 sec rest for 20 minutes 2-3 times a week. A recent  University study showed that you can lose 3 x's as much weight versus steady pace cardio this way. On your treadmill do a running program of 30 sec sprints  followed by 1 minute walks after warm-up. Do these on separate days.

    And since you have dumbbells I assume you know how to use them. Do a weight routine starting with the largest muscles first, 3 sets of 8-12 reps. Do no more than 10 exercises per day and do this 3 times a week on different days than the running.

    Good luck!

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