
How can i lose 30 pounds fast??? I weigh 165 pounds and im 14. ?

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How can i lose 30 pounds fast??? I weigh 165 pounds and im 14. ?




  1. You need to exercise and eat healthy foods. That is the only way to lose weight.

    Does not sound like fun but it works.

  2. Check out the "Diet Plans" section of the site below.  You'll find 4-5 "drastic diets" designed for rapid weight loss.  They all work (I've tried them) but my favorite is the 5-4-3-2-1 diet.  You get to choose the food but the diet helps you eat small amounts.  Choose healthy foods to keep your metabolism strong.  Drink plenty of water. Exercise daily.

    You might also be interested in the sections:

    "Dieting for Summer"

    "Weight Loss for Teens"

    "Weight Loss Tips"

    Good luck!

  3. You should join Weight Watchers.  If you are active and you follow their eating guide, you really should be able to melt those pounds away.  I did it when I was in the 8th grade.

  4. Set up a good diet and a decent fitness program.

    Email me if you like and i'll help.

  5. At the age of 14 you need to make some pretty adult decisions about weightloss.  The problem even adults have with weightloss is that they seek the solution without seeking the cause of the problem. The question should not be how you could lose weight "fast" but what is causing you to be overweight.

    Once you learn why you are overweight, then you can treat the fact that you need to lose weight.  If you do not approach weight loss in this manner then you will be obese forever because one day you will give up and just spend your life fat until you die an early death.

    Follow the link below for more information.

  6. Firstly, since you're younger than 18, talk to your doctor or school nurse about getting on an eating and exercise plan that will safely take off some pounds.

    Secondly, diets take effort and the healthy way about losing weight, doesn't happen overnight. So you must realize that if you want to lose weight, it is going to be lifestyle change and that it will take some time. On average expect to lose between two and three pounds each week. It should take you about 3-4 months to lose those 30 pounds, that is, if you need to lose 30 pounds.

    Here are a few kid-friendly diets to get you started. They are all taken from the website, Diets in Review, an excellent source for nutrition and diet-related information.

    Good luck!

  7. First thing's first, how tall are you? Once you say I can recommend something. =)

  8. good nutrition, but try an herbalife health club, these people have these all over the world.  its breakfast and lunch. aloe vera water, tea and shake. very nutritious and helps loose weight fast

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