
How can i lose weight, any target excercises?

by  |  earlier

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hi, 5 feet and 110 lbs. i want to lose at least ten pounds by october 15. and thats in abuot one month a half, i am VERY petite, and a bit chunky all around. my *** and thighs are ok im fine with them, but im starting to get a double chin and my stomache hangs a bit and now my arms are gettin bigger , they look like thighs lol well not normal thighs just gettin a bit bigger. what excercises can i do to target my stomache and lose my arms? is there any way to remove love handles .. =( .. anwser all my questions! please and thank u <3




  1. Diet and Cardio.

    This is a miraculous and magical tip so wait for it... The moment SUGAR hits your stomach they instantly get converted into fat. All those ice lattes, ice cream, candy, sodas, fruit juices, bubble tea, etc. all add on to it. Just drink water... seriously.

    Think about it. 3500 calories is 1 lb. And people generally eat what 3 meals a day? And if you have a soda or fruit juice for every meal that would be about 200-250 calories per meal just by a drink?

    200 calories per drink x 3 meals a day = 600 calories a day

    600 calories a day x 7 days a week = 4200 calories

    Oh wow... you just gained a pound by drinking stuff...

    lol sorry for being sarcasticy but those numbers are actually true. But the REAL way to lose weight and eat whatever the h**l you want. ANd i mean it. You can sit on your butt eat ice cream and peanut butter and still lose weight this weight is by doing cardio correctly.

    Long distance running at like 5-6 mph is c**p. Learn to sprint.

    Jog lightly for 3 mins

    Sprint as fast as you can for 45 seconds

    jog lightly for 2 mins

    sprint as fast as you can for 45 seconds

    jog lightly for 2 mins

    sprint as fast as you can for 45 seconds

    jog lightly for 2 mins

    sprint as fast as you can for 40 seconds

    jog lightly for 2 mins

    sprint as fast as you can for 30 seconds

    walk it off

    Do that 3x a week and in a month or 2 you should be looking pretty good. Watch your diet too if you want to see results faster. Depending on how badly you need it, you can do it more than 3x a week maybe 5 if you think you&#039;re that bad.

    The reasoning behind sprinting is that it raises your metabolism. You know those treadmills? Actually all of them tell you how much calories you burn right. If you run for like 30mins at about 5-6mph youll burn about 400 calories or something. WOW like that does so much for you, you could achieve the same effect by just drinking water for 2 meals. Well of course running boosts your metabolism just a bit but its sprinting that SPIKES up your metabolism. The point of sprinting is not to burn calories, its to RAISE YOUR METABOLSIM.

    For a lack of a better word, i think we all know those skinny b****** who eat and eat and eat all they want and never gain a pound. Why do you think that is so? It&#039;s because they NATURALLY have a high metabolism. Well you can do the SAME thing too but its possible for it to be natural since you weren&#039;t born that way but you can recreate that high metabolism by sprinting lol.

  2. im 5&#039;2, 100 lbs, before i was 115, but drop my weight by eating 500 below cal a day then vigorous exercises, i lose 2 lbs in every 4 days but still i continue to do it even if im already underweight. i dont recommend you to do this but if youre desperate then go, im just sharing hehe

  3. You can pick and choose where you lose fat or weight. You can only control where you gain and tone muscle. And when you exercise to burn your fat off, you don&#039;t just burn it off in one place, it will burn ALL OVER, which shouldn&#039;t be a problem... But don&#039;t worry about losing the junk you got in the trunk though... Most likely that won&#039;t go anywhere unless you lost like a ridiculous amount of weight.

    Burning the fat off your body requires you to do some cardio exercises... (Oh BOY!!!) is what you&#039;re thinking right? Ha Ha.. well that includes running, bike riding, swimming, hiking... basically anything that will get your heart rate up and breathing harder.  It&#039;s up to you to stay dedicated to doing it. If you find those exercises boring and stuff, try to make them fun by finding a friend to go along with the same workout plan, or if you go for a run, deffinatley bring an ipod with a playlist of upbeat happy music.

    You TONE the muscles in your stomach and arms with strength training, which is most effective if you do them while you are in the process of losing weight by including cardio into your routine workouts. Don&#039;t think that toning your mscles will make you diesel or anything.. It actually helps you slim down. You can try push ups for your arms.. Maybe like 10 a day, or every other day or something.. For abs, normal crunches will do.. (what I like to do that is a little more fun is sit indian style on the carpet, grab my legs with my hands.. and roll all around the floor while holding the indian style position.) That works your abs because you&#039;re not using arms and legs to roll around and lift your body up, just momentum and abs. and it&#039;s a lot of fun.

    Love handles will shed as you lose weight, you can do backward leg lifts to trim them also. Like Lifting your leg backwards (not using momentum)

    Try eating healthier too. Drink a glass of watr BEFORE AND AFTER every meal... so you feel full and eat less. It works, trust me.. You have to stay dedicated though.

    Hope this helps, good luck!

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