
How can i lose weight before school starts please help!!?

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i need somthing to work or ill be fat forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. Well its been proven that stress causes your metabolism to slow down. For the fastest way for me is Do as many crunches as you can as much as you can a day. Dont freak out about calories in food, just try not to eat a lot of fat calories, it will tell u if theres nutrition facts. Stay away from saturated, polyunsaturated, and monounsaturated fats. Its ok to have regular fat, just try not to over do it.

    As weird as it sounds, strait coffee, without anything in it raises metabolic rate, I wouldnt over do it though. Just like a cup in the morning would do it.

    PLUS PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE go to this guys website, he shows you how to eat what you want and loose weight and its so easy and doesnt cost anything, its really amazing, its like a dream. I saw him on tv and hes amazing! I swear to you, you will not be disapointed!

  2. cut down on fatty and oily foods. when you go to the grocery store, try healthy alternatives, like baked potato chips, or organic cookies (love them!!) they are better for you and still taste amazing! i also want to trim down before i start high school, you know a fresh start? what i am doing is workout videos like the first workout dvd with cindy crawford. those dvds work your butt off and you feel like your falling apart but its TOTALLY worth it! my pants fit better in a week!!

    but you also need to gain confidence in yourself and have will power.

    changing your diet and lifestyle doesnt mean you cant have sweets once and a while but dont splurge.

    i think you should maybe have desserts 4 out of 7 days a week. that way you wont be so tempted to just eat lots of food.

    :) hope i helped!!

  3. Include this in every meal nuts, seed, dark chocolate, avocado, olive oils.  Don't talk while you eat.  Walk for 5mins after a meal.  4 meals a day and fruits for snack.  Own a air climber exercise for 1hour day.

  4. Avoiding fats is good. Remember, fats are 9 calories/gram and protein and carbs are only 4 cal/g. Another good way is to not have anything but water between meals. Once you have not ingested anything with calories for two to three hours you go into a catabolic dip. Also, it is wise to exercise for a couple of minutes every couple of hours, that keeps your metabolism kicked at high speed. As far as situps, if you have a belly it will only build muscle below the fat. They will not help you lose fat/mass. What does work well is step aerobics, needing one more credit for full time college this was the only class available. Yes, I was the only guy in the class with body fat below 5% and all the hefty chickies hated me. However, that class almost killed me and those chickies not only became cool friends but earned my admiration.


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