
How can i lose weight if i am 16 years old girl, 240, and 5'10.?

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i play sports so that is my exercise i don't eat right becouse there is never any food around that is right to eat. I do like saled but i get tires of eating them. and the important thing is i hate doing this alone i have just considered doing diet pills, but i don't now about that. SO PLEASE HELP ME IF YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!




  1. Hey, I just started to try and lose weight myself.  Unfortunutally if it were easy everyone would do it..  If your serious about losing weight and if your asking you must be, somewhat.  The thing your going to have to do is make a lifestyle change.  Diets are set up to fail.  Your young so this is a good time to start cause it only gets harder as you get older.  Start cutting out the c**p, chips, chocolate, deep fryed anything.  You say you play sports which is great, but make a comitment to exercise 4 or 5 times a week, wether its running in the morning or if the sports you play is enough, great.  Don't be silly about eating, everyone has to treat themselves once in a while.  One day a week have a treat, wether its chicken wings or some ice cream.  Be smart don't go overboard.  Its easy to pack some healthy snacks.  If you don't just be careful of what you pick up at school.  It's all about smart choices and a serious commitment to a lifestyle change.  Good luck.

  2. First off, DON'T take pills.

    You are not that far off your regulation weight.  If you work out like you say, just remember muscle weighs 3 times more than fat.

    What I find is a good pick-me-up is a bag of carrots.  Dip them in salsa or diet-dressing of your choice.

  3. As well as some of these other eating tips make sure you are drinking plenty of water. Water tends to be lacking in most peoples normal eating routines. Dieting or not. Try to make sure you're drinking at least 6 to 8 glasses a day.

    Portion control for food is important as well. Often our bodies are full after eating a healthy portion but the mind doesn't recognize this fact for about 15 minutes or so. Human nature many times tells us to keep eating until we've become overstuffed.

  4. I'm on the Dr. Jenkins Diet.  It's the program developed exclusivley for super models by Dr. Phillip H. Jenkins of the Foundation for Advanced Bulimia. It consists of chowing down all day until you can't eat anymore. Then basically you get sick. So far it's worked well, ... I've lost 40 pounds this month. Good luck!!

    Glad I could help.

  5. The key is to exerices more (burn more calories) than you eat. So, it's all about making good diet chooses. Always, chosed grilled over fried. Eat dairy products like yogurt and cheese over chips and chocololate. Eat whole grain foods like whole grain foods and crackers.  Don't glob on mayo and salad dressing. There's a great new symbol of good for you foods, if you're unsure. They say Best Life and Smart Choices Made Easy. If it has these on the label, you're good to go. Just think about how each food you eat fits into the four food groups,

  6. Hi. here you go. burn the fat feed the muscle.shed up to 60 pounds in 6 weeks or less.natural bodybuilders do things differently than the 95%of dieters who fail.if you'd like to know more check out my site

  7. Cut back on the sweets and junk food......junk food is bad for the body, that is why they call it junk. Start eating natural foods like fruit and veggies more often....they are naturally sweet and better for you also :) . Muscle does weigh more than fat. Since you play sports most of the weight could just be your body muscles.

    How often do you play sports and what sports do you play?

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