
How can i lose weight???

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ok i am 14 and i am trying to lose weight. i am willing to diet and exercise. i just want to be a little smaller. i weight 160 pounds about. and i just want to be thinner. i am sick of being called fat and everything. so please a little help. please no rude comments. i just need a diet and exercise plan.

i am commited i dont want to lose it fast or anything. i just want to be healthier too.




  1. By working out and eating healthy and drinking plenty of water.


  3. Loosing weight fast is always an unhealthy thing.

    There are many diets who tell you that you can loose a lot of weight in no time. And it is working, but you are doing no good to your body. And there's also the Jojo-effect.

    The best thing to loose and hold a healthy weight is healthy food, less sugar, lots of drinking water, and sports.

    Diet has to begin in your head. And you already started to think about your nutrition. That's an important step. It is too easy just to make a magazine-diet for 2-3 weeks and loose some weight. But it will come back soon again. If you are over-thinking your nutrition and activity, you will have a constantly good result. Isn't that much better and healthier than a crash-diet ?

    How do i lose fast weight? - Healthy life every day!

    search :

    Keep on doing your thing.

    Take care,


  4. make healthier choises in food. like more salad and fruits and veggies but dont add any sugar to the fruit and make sure it's fresh...not dried or canned . and try to go ride a bike or just walk around the neighborhood with a friend or your ipod if u have one .i'm on a diet to get rid of my a.d.d but i have to stick to it forever . it's no sugar, no wheat , no corn/corn syrup/ corn starch , and no dairy. and i have lost a lot of weight in the first week. i don't know how much but my friends and teachers were telling me i looked a whole lot thinner.  

  5. Use an innexpensive treadmill to run or jump on a trampoline. Both are great forms of excersize. Also, biking is good too. Don't drink soda, drink lots of water, especially before meals. Eat more lean protiens and fruits/vegies.

    Also, you may want to try using . You write in your meals and youor excersize for the day to help you track it, and there are online groups to give you support.

    Good luck!!

  6. If you aren't afraid of WORK and lived close to me , I could help you loose weight problem is I can't find any young people who know how to work or are willing  to stay committed !  

  7. Other than physical appearance weight affects a person in many ways. This could be the overall quality of life, self-esteem, depression, health risks, and physical incapabilities. There are a lot of positive changes once a person experience weight loss. It is for this reason why a lot of people are searching for a weight loss technique that will surely trim down those fats and get a super slim head turner body.

    The first thing that an over-weight should do is seek a doctor to recommend the best weight loss regimen. This will be done after a full physical examination, which leads to the determination of proper weight loss technique. And to lose weight fast and effectively four aspects of life should be changed: what to eat, how to eat, behavior and activity level.

    Here are fast tips that can change an over-weight's life:

    First: Fast weight loss composes of a multi-faceted technique that consists mindset, exercise, and in other cases, diet supplements. Begin by learning a diet food plan that can easily be accustomed with. Incorporate an exercise plan that allows even at least fifteen minutes a day like brisk walking, running, swimming, and dancing.

    Second: Set realistic approaches. The ability to focus and have proper mindset enables someone on a diet to quickly lose those extra pounds. With discipline and proper mind set, a dieter will never be discouraged and lose focus.

    Third: Listen as the body speaks. Each and everyone's body metabolism reacts differently to different fast weight loss programs and plans. Try substituting one program for another to compensate the body's reaction. Exercise program must be suitable to one's body, as others are not able to exercise as rigorously as others can. If walking is all that can be done, then walk for this is proven the best exercise. Muscles burn more calories than fats so it's also best to put on a little muscle and looking good too.

    Fourth: Eat more fibers for it makes a person full sooner and stays in the tummy longer, slowing down the rate of digestion. A single serving of whole grain bread moves fat through the digestive system faster. Grains turn into blood sugar that spikes the body's insulin level. Thus, making the body more energized and ready to tell the body when it should stop burning fats or start storing.

    Fifth: Keep away from fried foods especially deep-fried as this contains a great amount of fat. Although fish and chicken appear leaner than beef, this white meat can contain more fat than when a beef is fried. It is recommended for those on strict diet to opt for grilled food as this does not have or contain less amount of fat after the food is cooked.

    Sixth: Takes lots of fluid. Drinking at least six to eight glasses of water a day keeps the body refreshed. Since weight loss depends on how the body eliminates body wastes, the body must stay hydrated.

    All in all, discipline and consistency is still the best practice and the key to a rapid weight loss success. Light dieting, workout, and right amount of supplementation applied in a regular way everyday will result in faster weight loss than having a massive action only to be followed a return to old habits as this would only lead to gaining more weight than when the weight loss plan has started.

    Highly recommended : http://jaya2959.fatsecret.hop.clickbank....

    For more, please visit:

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