
How can i love training again?

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i used to like training. now i dont anymore. how can i get back that feeling?




  1. Go to a different school/style.  It worked for me.  Look for a school that offers exactly what you're looking for.

  2. I always hated training but I do it anyways because there's something I like that moves me to train very hard. One reason is that I like to win and another would simply be that I hate to lose. I was never able to understand why people could enjoy training so much while I'm training much harder than some of those who loves to train, which is a bit ironic.

  3. Study a martial art that is the opposite of what you are doing now.  Don't go from one style of kung fu to another or from Tang Soo to Moo Duk Kwan or even from BJJ to Judo.  Do something radically different so that you can grow.

  4. My son is going through this same thing right now.

    I suggested that he take a few weeks off from  his KungFu classes.It's normal as with anything that you've been doing for a while to get kinda burned out. He's started walking/running again and this seems to help clear his mind.Sometimes you just need to break up the routine by training at something else instead but that will still give you a workout. Then try and go back to what you know in your training but start slowly.If you're still feeling unmotivated maybe it's a sign that you need a change.Look in the phonebook and go visit some other schools if you're at a students level of training.There are many different kinds of teachers out there and you should make the most of what someone else has to offer.I mean, lifes short, so why not?Good luck.

  5. Learn wushu on your own, at your own speed at your own pace, make your training area infront of your pc, with your music playing, without any instructor looming over your shoulder. Or learn what you can and take what you know to a instructor

  6. Well people go through fazes in there life and sometime it's just what you need is a little brake from Martial Arts.  But, your doing the first thing right, and that's talking about your situation, good for you :)

    Second, I'll start watching videos of my favourite Martial Artist or Movie.  Start doing some little drills that you know from the past, or look into some New styles like look on the internet for a bit and look up styles that you think would be fun to get into again !

    It is ok to take a brake from anything, but never just give up on yourself you can do it, you CAN get back into it just tell yourself that I WANT to do this.  Your mind is a powerfull thing, if you think about it enuff it WILL happen :)

  7. Watch all those fav movies that got you into it put the fav music on go for it. I use to love the soundtrack to rocky

  8. Find a style that challenges you.

    there's no shame in trying different techniques. It can only make you stronger. I've studied Tae Kwod Do (gave it up), Tai Chi (still do it), Paqua (still do it), Tang Sho Tao (gave it up) and Sing I (still do it)...

    Fighting's all about strategy. Each style teaches you another approach. The similarities engorce you skill, the differences expand it.

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